Part 42: Ep. 30: No Human Could

Having just determined that nothing human could possibly have opened the car's hood--because he personally wasn't able to do it--Sam whips out his notebook.

Sam considers for a moment, then adds:

Sam puts his notebook away just as his phone lights up.

... uh oh. Dammit, Roger. Sam puts his phone away and heads for the front--and nearly trips over Grit, the junkyard's dog.

This gives Sam the mental nudge he needs.

Sam finds a nice big puddle of oil and calls up Roxie back at HQ.

bwoop bwoop

Getting fancier all the time.

Ho ho! Sam says goodbye and, once again, trades phone for notebook.

Sam is really determined to make up for being such a dumbass in the last update. Anyway, he gets back up on top of the shipping container. There's a metal entrance hatch up here, which he noted in passing before, but it's locked... Sam jams the Techno-Tool into the keyhole, or whatever it is that he does with that thing.

Now there are immovable blocks inside the lock that we have to work around.

The lock snicks open. Sam updates his notes.

Sam attempts to open the hatch and find out. Unfortunately, it's too heavy to wrest open by hand. Therefore...

And that's just what he does. The hatch pops open and Sam drops down into the shipping container.

Hey, it's Gabby's missing engiiii--

wait a sec

Sam approaches the robot.

Sam's favorite pastime!

Ten pieces of salvaged scrap, to be precise. Gear-driven robots are way more complicated than gear-driven pizza ovens and gear-driven satellite dishes. Sam is just about to climb out of the container and start scavenging when his phone beeps at him.

Sam equips his Techno-Tool and wanders around the junkyard, yanking scrap off anything that'll hold still. Like this junked arcade machine.

And off this thing that Sam cannot identify.

And off this bulldozer, which was broken before Sam got to it. Honestly.

Sam is on his way to try and 'salvage' the Morcucorp van when Elmira texts him once again! Hooray! Good boy, Wolfah! Good boy!

Sadly, we are not allowed to dismantle the Morcuvan. Instead we get the last two parts off... this thing! And that other thing up there! Whatever they are!


Concept Art: Grit
- by Genevieve Tsai