Part 44: Dispatch Mission: Yeti Begins
It's a lovely morning at the S.P.A. HQ. The sky is blue, the trains are running on time, the tiny cubical birds are singing their little hearts out... Nova's team assembles in the dank basement, ignoring it all. Sam--having exchanged his trenchcoat for something a little more suitable--goes down to check in before he puts them on the bus.
And he's still worrying me.

That's the plan, Vic!

Sam goes up to talk to Jenny and officially dispatch Team Nova to the mountains. He himself is going to hang around HQ this time, just in case. Sam takes the elevator up to the hangar because that's a cool place to hang out. There's an arcade machine!

... he's got a point there. Anyway, Sam's gotten a little tired of making small talk when...

You're damn skippy they're good.

Sam is starting to get a little bored. That's never a good sign. He wanders downstairs to check in with the agents hanging out in the gym...

Yep, we've definitely sent the right team on this one.

Sam goes down to the garden, says hello to Leaf and Renee, and then, bored out of his mind, pulls out the paint gun. We've got some new paints, after all. Sam's painting the foyer a handsome shade of lily pads and beetles when his phone rings.

The garden level all painted, Sam moves back up to the gym.

The walls are now green with tennis balls and Wolfah is a very good boy!

I call this one 'Steel-Belted Watermelon Candy'. Sam declares it perfect and takes the elevator down to the basement.

Sam frowns at his phone. How should he know? Finally, he guesses 'canyon', because yetis aren't usually found at sea level. Right?

There. UFOs on the walls; keys, D-pads, and dead flowers on the floor. Won't his team be surprised?

Upstairs again, Sam pinkens up the lobby and then matches the courtyard to Preston's sweater-vest.

Whoops. Oh, well, at least they figured it out. All painted out, Sam goes back to the lobby.

... I... that... but... okay! Hooray, we've completed the mission! And we still don't know if Paul destroyed that lab or not!

Sam stares at those and just groans. No more painting today!
We also get a yeti snowcone machine of our very own and a snowboard!