Part 47: Ep. 34: Candy-Coating The Truth


Aware of Esma lurking close by, Sam tries to deflect her from reading his notes.

We'll get right on that.

After we read this super-important text message.

Sam could analyze one of the plants by the Morcuvan, but he decides to analyze a junkyard seedling instead. These have been growing here for weeks--if DJ Candy's equipment is stunting their growth, it'll be obvious.

Out comes the cellphone. Sam explains the problem to Roxie, then scans the seedling.

Some hard scientific evidence will put this absurd theory to rest--

--uh. Sam hangs up and the camera does a dramatic pan over to...

Sam updates his notes.

Gabby, obviously. Since we're right here and all. The junkyard has everything!

That's crazy talk!

Brilliant! Why didn't anyone think of that?
Sam runs back up the hill to Dr. F's lab. Whatever else comes of this day's work, he's certainly getting some exercise.

Sam climbs the ladder--and his phone rings.

Such a strange lady.

That's one heck of a steampunk cell phone Sam's rocking there.

Sam's cellphone: jailbroken.

The blueprints catch Sam's eye on the way out, but he doesn't let them detain him for long. Time to put some fenergy to work!

This fenergy vent is over by the elevated train station. Sam taps in, piles up the crates, and jumps up to the first low roof.

And pauses to applaud the billboard, as would we all.

Here's the first tower. Let's see how well the gears and belts in Sam's phone can analyze its frequency.

Femtohertz?! Er, no: F-Hz. As in, Dr. F. See also: fenergy (F-energy), and, in other games, F-tonian physics. If it's even nominally scientific and it's in the MySims universe, it comes straight from Dr. F. So what does the 'F' stand for? According to Dr. F, it stands for 'rockets'.

Sam has hopped down to make some adjustments to his crate stairway when his phone buzzes. After some thought Sam decides to recommend that Walker check the driver, since the driver will go away and the pizza will remain. After a fashion.

And Sam finishes adjusting the crates.

However, there's another overly-tall wall in our way, and the large, inviting cable to our right leads away from Candy's club, not towards it. Ergo, in order to get to the rest of DJ Candy's towers... Sam will have to go through the club itself.

As we get closer to this end of town, we start to hear the oontz of some pretty impressive bass. Sam goes through the unassuming door, and...

... oh no. It's worse than we thought. Candy ravers.
As much as Sam enjoys the music, he's wildly out of place here. Sam knows that, in general, candy ravers are usually more frightened of him than he is of them, and they only bite if stepped on--wait, no, that's snakes. Candy ravers will generally ignore an intruder unless he does something to make himself stand out, at which point they will lower their horned heads and charge. Sam eases back outside and digs out a change of clothes which he conveniently found in a chest earlier.

Also, some temporary tattoos and a bottle of Manic Panic. It's not perfect camouflage, but it should do.

Sam blends in until the ripples of his entrance have passed, then subtly checks out the scene.

Having allayed suspicions and done his part to fit in, it's time to make his move! Let's talk to DJ Candy!

Shit. Shit! Blew it again! Oh, well. Back to work.

Up the very long ladder and across the beam that connects two of the walkways.

Across two more beams.

And here we are on the roof of the abandoned warehouse, safely through the candy-raver gauntlet. The other three towers await!