Part 48: Ep. 35: The Three Towers


Sam climbs up on top of Club Candy to reach the second tower.

bwoop bwoop

Roughly the same as the first one, so neither of them seem to be the culprit. Sam is about to hop down and check out the third tower when:

The raised bit by the train tracks gives Sam enough of a boost that he can jump up to that third tower.

bwoop bwoop

Well, that's slightly higher. Is that high enough to kill plants?

On the way to the last tower, Sam stops by this formerly-inaccessible fenergy vent. By building a crate stairway here, he'll be able to always get back onto this part of the roof without going through the club. Handy!

Fourth and last tower.

bwoop bwoop


New tool time!

We can now follow the excess electrical current running through these lines like we were following a trail of footsteps.

It leads us a merry chase.

Over the top of Club Candy and through the minefield of sparky lightning things, where Sam takes a quick break in order to catch his breath and endanger himself.

Sam is being levitated into the air by a swarm of light particles, because that is a thing that happens. Fortunately his gear-driven steampunk cell phone is resistant to sparky lightning, because he gets a text message like nothing was happening.

I don't know, Dr. F? Anyway, woo hoo! Wolfah is the best. Back to work!

Hey, look, it's that inviting power cord from earlier. Sam balance-beams across.

The cord takes us over to these buildings by the side of the junkyard. Where could we be going?

... oh.

Sam puts his notebook away and goes to take a closer look at the thing that's emitting enough energy to destroy plants at the cellular level. This is a great idea and in no way dangerous.

Did we all get that? Does the game need to tell us again? We could be here all day.
It's obvious what this thing is: it's mad science. Sam charges back up the hill once more and wakes Dr. F from his nap. He doesn't bother to change out of his clubwear. Who'll notice?

Sam throws out his arms and looks straight at us in supplication. For all the good it does him.

Dr. F wanders off and Sam pulls out his notebook again.

Sam is able to get up on the science things on the right-hand side of the roof.

Which lets him run across the upstairs balcony ledge.

And back down to... an empty platform with an electrical hookup on it?

Sam lays down and squints across the platform, just in case the F.F.D. is very small or something. No dice.

Sam hops down and goes back inside to inform the good doctor of this fact.

What? Not F-grams?

Dun dun dunnnn!

Sam updates his notes accordingly.
