Part 49: Ep. 36: R.U.R. Culprit?

Last time on MySims Agents
: The extra power flowing through one of DJ Candy's towers led Special Agent Sam... to the smoking purple gun!
Sam is on the lookout for a super-advanced robot which looks exactly like a human being of some variety, but has trouble speaking normally. Oh, great. Half the people we've met in the industrial district talk funny! In fact, now that Sam thinks about it...

: Dr. F, you're not a robot, are you?
See? He's totally a robot. And what about Alexa?

: Hello. Are you a robot?
Sam's really not getting on well with the ladies today. Maybe we're overthinking this?

: Say, TOBOR. Are you secretly a robot?

: ... um... no?
So much for that theory. Sam heads back down the hill to the junkyard. Again.

: Hey, Grit! You're not a--

: *woof*!

: Nah... nevermind.
I guess that would be silly. What about Barney?

: Barney, are you a robot?

: Hah hah! If I were a robot, I'd have rusted solid from all my years spent at sea. No sir!

: Hmmm... good point.
Come to think of it, Gabby talks kind of funny.

: Say, Gabby, you seem to like machinery. You wouldn't happen to be a robot, would you?

: No! Um... nosiree?

: Uh-huh. Gabby didn't think so.
Now Sam is starting to talk funny. Maybe he's the robot! After all, it could be any one of us, and... oh. Oh, no.

: Say, Buddy, how do I know you're not a synthetic humanoid robot?

: Can't argue with that!
Okay, whew. Next suspect!

: Hey, Esma. You talk a little weird. You wouldn't happen to be a robot, would you?

: Forget I asked.
Might as well make sure...

: What's up, robot Brandi?
That lets out the folks at the lab, the junkyard's inhabitants, the Morcucorp crowd, and Buddy. Sam's more or less narrowed it down to the crowd of kids at Club Candy. Finding a club kid who talks funny--gosh, that'll be hard.
Sam heads back to the club and dives right in.

: Hey, Zack. Are you a robot?

: Yup. About the best one you've ever seen--check it out!!
It can't be that easy--
Nope, it wasn't that easy. Sam lets Zack go and catches up with Sapphire.

: Hey, Sapphire. Seen any robots around?
Didn't Sam just have this conversation? Anyway, what about Candy herself?

: Hey, DJ Candy! You're not a robot, right?
Huh. Well, what about that girl back there? She's always sort of there, in the background, blending in... Sam catches up with her in a quieter corner.

: Hello! How are you, robot?
... welp

: What do you like to do?

: I enjoy participating in many activities. Please use more specific search terms.
Sam ponders. What does he know about girls?

: Do you like to play with dolls?

: Playing with physical dolls is unnecessary. I have the ability to manipulate doll simulations within my processing unit.

: But, don't you want to make stories with the dolls? Have them sit in chairs? Date boys?
This line of conversation is making me uncomfortable, Sam.

: I can easily calculate the inevitable fate of each doll based on their attributes.

: I see... so much for drama...
Well, she sure acts like a robot, but we still don't have any evidence. Sam tries to think of something else girls like to do.

: Do you like to go shopping?

: 'Shopping'? Please upload information defining 'shopping'.

: Shopping is where you go to a mall, but you don't actually buy anything.

: Query: what is the exit condition for shopping?

: Well, you just look at things and talk to your friends until you're... done.

: Analysis shows that shopping may result in an infinite loop. Request denied.
That didn't work either. What else do girls like? ... do girls like anything else in Sam-land?

: Do you like slumber parties?

: Um... yes. Usually at slumber parties you gossip and share secrets.
Gasp! No!

: Ooh! That's a good one! Were you the one who hooked the F.F.D. up to Candy's radio towers?

: Affirmative, that was a task that was given to me.
Having gossiped herself out, Makoto robots off. Sam pulls out his notebook.

Makoto, Dr. F's super robot, admits to placing the plant-killing device on Candy's roof.

Makoto said that hooking up the plant-killing device was a task that was "given to her." Can I get her to talk about it?
And will we be able to understand a word she says?

Next time on MySims Agents
: The plant-killing plot sickens!
EA Render: TOBOR
I gotta admit, I would buy a little plastic TOBOR in a heartbeat.