Part 50: Interlude: Nonspecific
We haven't looked at our spoils of war in a while! Let's remedy that.
First up, the treasure chest on Barney's boat! Note the F.F.D. sitting right up there being all huge, smoking, purple, and spoilery, and maybe you'll get why I waited until now to put up this interlude. Anyway! This chest contains chairs. So many chairs. An athletic chair, a charismatic chair--how does that work?--two separate nature chairs, and two conjoined paranormal chairs. Less of a chest and more of a shipping crate, that one.

Next, the chest on top of the cargo container, which I mentioned in passing as holding nonspecific paints. Exciting ones, though, apparently.

There's a crate over here by the halted construction project. It contains our clubwear: Sam's vest outfit, complete with temporary tattoos, and a halter top for lady agents.

Dumpster-diving over here by the train station nets us a majestic lion statue and a sphinx statue, presumably also majestic.

By hopping onto the gatekeeper's arm, then up onto the machine itself, Sam can jump up to this chest up above the nook. It contains an honest-to-God mechanical bull and some more nonspecific paints.

If we jump all over Dr. F's lab and go down to the platform below where the F.F.D. was supposed to be (and wasn't), we get another chest! Appropriately, we get something with the awesome name of 'the brainfish'--good for our fish (and brain) collections--and some heebie-jeebie paints.

If you have a sharp eye, you might have noticed that I did not show this doodad during regular updates. That's because it gives us two new supercomputers: one which is merely mega, and one which is mighty.

This deceptively-small newspaper vending machine by Club Candy manages to contain a houseplant, a bigger houseplant, and a whole tree--but no newspapers.

Up here in the rafters of Club Candy, there's a chest we can reach with an extra jump. It gives us some +Smarts music--the 'Baby Dr. F Early Learning Soundtrack', apparently--and yet more nonspecific paints.

This crate, tucked away in a corner by the dangerous electric machines, gives us a dance floor (so that we may rave at home) and something just called the Extreme-O-Tron. Which is referred to as 'menacing'. Hell yes.
We actually saw most of those nonspecific paints in use when Sam was going nuts with boredom during the dispatch mission 'Yeti Begins'. We haven't seen the furniture, though. Let's rectify that. Let's decorate the shit out of our HQ.

vwob vwob

Sam and the brainfish have a staring contest! Sadly, the brainfish does not have any sort of interaction scripted in. Boooo.
We've also added some music, a sphinx, a pair of chairs (one alien, one spooky), and two monstrous, scary computers. Vic got online the moment Sam put the first computer down and had not looked up from the monitor by the time that Sam left.

Also, check out the face on that sphinx.

Look at all the nature in this garden! So many plants. Also a stove and two giant high-backed armchairs made to look like cats. That's natural, apparently.

Here's a better picture of the cat chairs, and also Renee being Renee.

Here is our gym! A snowboard rack, a soccer-ball chair, a stone lion statue for whatever reason, the mechanical bull... and the Extreme-O-Tron. What is that thing?

Here is a video of the Extreme-O-Tron in action. The Extreme-O-Tron involves a flashy sound and light show as well as a fairly complicated animation cycle; the music in the background is the +Sports music boombox playing. This video also features Rosalyn on the mechanical bull. Those wacky agents.

And the mechanical bull. Sam got bucked off at the end of his ride; Roger managed to stay on until the bitter end. So did Elmira.

And here's Elmira enjoying the Extreme-O-Tron. Angry librarians just love that thing.

The hangar did not actually change all that drastically. They get the dance floor and the snowcone machine, though. Also, a squooshy brown armchair. Woo for chairs.
Raving underneath a bright sunny noonday sky seems kind of wrong. Maybe I ought to put the dance floor in the basement. We could watch Vic try to dance!
Finally, to round out this interlude: remember how Elmira's dispatch quest rewarded us with an outfit? Was it a modest librarian costume?

Nope. Overalls to wear while sloppin' pigs. Stylin'!