Part 52: Dispatch Missions: Blue Thing/Episode X
Dispatch Missions: Blue Thing/Episode X
Sam kicks Travis' team out of bed bright and early. Up and at 'em! Blue thing needs your attention!

Wolfah's team, on the other hand, is already up and backbiting.

The teams assemble. Sam goes upstairs to issue their marching orders. Travis' team is looking sharp!

Wolfah's team... maybe not so much. Look at that Sports rating: we've sent a bunch of jocks to torment the fanfic-writing nerd.
And they're off! Sam waves goodbye and heads upstairs.

To play Plane Vs. Eye, of course. But the arcade cabinet is more than just a piece of interactive furniture. It allows us to replay all the hacking, chemical analysis, and lockpicking minigames that we've already solved! (Salvage-and-repair is not included for whatever reason.)

In addition, we'll occasionally find bonus puzzles hidden around the city. These came from the awesome billboard in the industrial district; we also have a couple that we found in a crate up in the mountains.

"Also, one of them is a wolf."

The bonus puzzles come with their own exclusive music tracks and, unsurprisingly, are often far more challenging than anything the main game has to throw at you. These two are from the crate in the ranger's cabin, up in the mountains.

Black Hole Blues.

Proton Fun Pack.

Travis: still startlingly effective.

Sam snorts and tells her to write about the alien love triangle. It's fanfic, for crying out loud; what else would it be about?

These are the billboard puzzles.

I don't understand how Wolfah, Roger, and Elmira can fail to write about romance. I really don't.

Electron Slide.

H 2 Oh Yeah!

After some thought, Sam decides that they should ask it where it's from. After all, do any of us really know why we're here? Even those of us who are blue and pointy?

Oh, Roger. Maybe you're more qualified for this fanfic business than we realized.

If Sam successfully completes a puzzle, he also 'wins' Plane Vs. Eye when he stops playing.

Oh, good, an alien.

If Sam quits out of the puzzle menu without solving a puzzle, he 'loses' Plane Vs. Eye. He is kind of a sore loser.

Aww, puppy, that's the wrong SF show!

This eyeball here turns to watch your cursor move around the screen. But what if you click on the eyeball itself?

Why, you get to play Plane Vs. Eye! It's a very simple videogame: you are the little green-haired dude in the plane. You can move up and down, firing little hearts. Your opponent is the eye. It can move up and down, firing little lightning bolts. The first one to get hit ten times loses.
Video: Plane Vs. Eye

Hooray! That's terrifying! Travis continues to be effective. However, Wolfah's mission isn't sounding all that good...

... or maybe Wolfah's going to come through for us again, despite everything! Best puppy!

This nets us a new outfit and Pinky's services as a junior agent.

Aww, in case Sam wants to go backpacking across Europe.

For helping Jenny we get a Jenny figurine, a coffee table, and a Tesla coil, of course.

That sure is a Jenny figurine.

Let's recruit Pinky! For whatever reason the game really piles on the Charismatic agents at the beginning. Not that I am complaining. They're all so charming.

And with the addition of a blue-obsessed fairy girl with oddly familiar hair, we now have a full complement of agents: four teams of three! Any future agents we happen to recruit will have to either replace someone or remain at home on call; fortunately, Sam can hire and fire at will, so we don't need to actually make any hard choices.
So, now that we have a full house, let's upset the balance! And by that I mean it's

The super-radical rock star Annie Radd desperately needs our help with her reluctant roadies! She needs Smart agents to figure out just what the heck the problem is, and Charismatic agents to help negotiate.

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
No consequences for failure, as always. Besides, this is a one-star mission--it says so right on Annie's face!--so pretty much anybody is going to be able to show those roadies what is what!
Voting will remain open for about twenty-four hours!