Part 53: Ep. 38: We Got The Beats

Last time on MySims Agents
: The Morcugirls tried to use Special Agent Sam for their own nefarious purposes--but Special Agent Sam's operating system is not compatible with the forces of evil!
First things first: Sam assembles Travis' team up in the hangar and then dispatches them to the arena to deal with Annie's roadies. That done, he and Buddy hop on the train to the industrial district.
All seems quiet. Well, not quiet, exactly, but normal. No, not that either. Pretty much unchanged from before, that's the ticket. Sam wanders around the district, looking for trouble. There's always trouble.

: What's up, DJ Candy?

: We're busy trying to get ready for our concert tonight, but I keep hearing these strange beats...

: I'll help you out! I can help you get to the bottom of this!
The club is hopping. Makoto is, of course, doing the robot.

: Welcome to Club Candy, the hottest spot in the city.
So hot that it attracts a crowd of three whole people, one of whom works there and one of whom is a robot.
Sam's just bopping around to the music.

: Usually I can deliver, but lately I've had problems.
This announcement makes Sapphire gasp and stop dancing.

: It's like a... a vibration!

: You can hear vibrations?

: All sounds are vibrations, Sam, but I don't
hear these--I kind of
feel them.
Are we sure that Candy isn't a robot?
So robot.
And then Zack gets back to hilariously shaking his nonexistant Sim-booty while Candy turns back to Sam.

: You
have to find the source of these strange beats before I lose my groove completely. If my shows aren't kicking at 150%, I have to refund everyone's money!
All two of them who actually paid! If they paid. No one ever asked Sam for any money, even when he was here all blue-haired and incognito.
Candy tries to get back to DJing, but now she's weirded out and will occasionally wander away from her equipment to fret. Sam pulls out the notebook.

I'll check around the club to see if I can find out where the sound is coming from.
He thinks for a moment, then adds:

I could also ask around and see if anyone knows some way to help locate the sound.
Let's go somewhere else.
Like over here.

: Any ideas where I could check for the sounds?

: Well, you could look inside here, and also take the
ladder over there up to the roof!
Hey, options. Let's continue to ask around.

: Any idea where I could search for sounds?

: You could look outside the club, or take the ladder up to the roof. Those are optimized options.
What about you, Sapphire? Any ideas?

: Do you know any way we could locate the sound?
Hey, that's a good idea! Thanks, Sapphire. Let's also check in with Zack.

: Do you know any way we can locate the strange sound?

: Hmm, well, we can't really tell where it's coming from. Do you have any kind of agent device or something for monitoring sounds?

: No, not yet... hmm...
... gah, okay, fine, we'll talk to Esma.

: Esma.

: Minion.
Sam grits his teeth and tries again.

: So, what are you guys up to?
Sure. Fine.
In fact, we'll just go mind it up here.

Next time on MySims Agents
: It turns out there are a lot of strange sounds in the industrial district! Also, radioactive sandwiches.

... they weren't actually radioactive, Buddy.

Or you hope not, right, pal?