Part 54: Ep. 39: Picking On Someone More Metallic Than Us


When last we left our intrepid special agent, he was climbing up into the warehouse's walkway system in a mild snit. Sam makes his way through the balance beams to the roof door.

Sam pops out onto the fire escape and... Grit? Sam is on his way to find out just what Grit is doing up here when


So Grit might be the one who's causing the weird vibrations, by... chewing on metal cables. Well, he is the grizzled badass of our lupine trio. Sam pulls out his notebook.

Wonder what he wants? Let's ask him!

And on the way to the junkyard maybe we can collar Brandi. Since Esma's in the club, Brandi might be willing to speak frankly with us--

--or maybe she's not here either. Huh. Wonder where she went? Thoughtful now, Sam heads into the junkyard in search of Gabby. He finds Barney first. Well, heck, Barney might know.

Barney slumps and sighs.

He did! In MySims Kingdom.

... welp. Surely that won't come to anything. Sam takes his leave of Barney and catches up with Gabby.

and how did he get all the way up there goddamn I mean he had to go up a ladder and everything
Gabby sighs heavily.

I think we know where all the shiny things are in the industrial district!

Sam runs back up to Dr. F's lab and catches Alexa. What, you thought we were going to ask Dr. F for help? We would all die in a nuclear-mayonnaise accident.

Please note that in the fifteen seconds that have elapsed since we distracted Alexa from her watchdog job, Dr. F has managed to set himself on fire.

Can't argue with that! Alexa hustles off to extinguish Dr. F and Sam makes a few quick notes.

Just in case it's not Grit that's making Candy's robot ears go haywire. Anyway, Dr. F is no longer on fire, so Sam feels free to consult him.

Sure, it's not like the robot is capable of pulling all of Sam's limbs off or anything. Sam climbs up to the walkway where TOBOR is poking listlessly at a computer.

oh crap limb removal imminent

Oh, Sam. Oh, Sam, no.

Oh, yes. Out comes the Techno-Tool and...

We are the worst person.

We might as well be polite about our transgressive act.

Sandwiches and stolen robot parts in hand, Sam hastily departs this vale of comma-shaped tears.