Part 56: Ep. 41: The Underground Music Scene


No one in the lab can tell Sam how to get underground. He'll just have to figure it out himself. He leaves the lab and heads back down the hill, taking another shot of weird mad-science radiation on the way.

While tooling aimlessly around hoping for inspiration, Sam finds a hidden nook in the junkyard, tucked away between all these giant cargo crates! It contains a toy machine and a robo-gnome poster for HQ. Goddamn, will you look at the stats on that poster? Three points in Paranormal and two in Smarts: it's a junior agent in its own right!

Sam's just extricated himself from the nook with the rolled-up poster under his arm when Annie texts him again. Luck!

Sam's search eventually leads him to Club Candy again. No one is surprised.

... hey, isn't that a manhole that Esma's so casually standing on? Of course! The sewers! The sewers lead underground! Can't imagine why we didn't think of that.

Damn, ice cold.

Once again, Sam leaves the club in a snit. At least he's going out the front door this time. And now he has an idea: he can get underground via the sewers! He just needs to find--

--another manhole!

Sam pops on his F-Space Manipulator and grabs the manhole cover with it, ripping it loose.

... oh, not in Vic's good suit, Sam.

That's better.

Now properly dressed for sewer spelunking, Sam enters the open manhole and finds himself in another 2D platforming section.

Going right along the top level leads us to this giant bank-vault door, which we can't get through. Balked, Sam jumps down onto the giant pipe below instead.

Since Sam is apparently terrified of turtles, mutated or otherwise, he turns around and goes back the way he came.

Down this ladder on the far left-hand side of the level.

He jumps down this giant cutaway pipe--

--and lands neck-deep in 'water'. I don't know else what he was expecting, here.

Struggling free of the pool of water, Sam overshoots a jump and falls down to the lowest level, which introduces a new twist: now there are fenergy vents inside the platforming zones! We'll be moving barrels of... stuff... in order to clear our way and make new platforms.

First things first: Sam moves some barrels out of his way. He then picks up the barrel on the ledge behind him and puts it somewhere else, so that he can get up there and look around. He stands up there going 'hm' for a few seconds, then digs out an armful of adorable stuffed animals: a teddy bear, a plush bunny, and a plush monkey. Sewer plushies. Great.

With that done, Sam's moving these obstacles out of the way when his phone goes off. It's Preston! Sam pulls off the Manipulator and checks his phone. That is some impressive reception he's got there.

Having cleared the path, Sam scrambles over the barrels and walks along the splashy floor. The beats are getting louder; even Sam can hear them now. Finally he comes smack up against this giant pile of rubble, and--

Sam listens at the wall for a moment. He can see something glittering faintly through chinks in the rubble pile, but it's probably just light on sewer water, right?

A good question, and one we'll have to find an answer for. But first, we have to get out of here. If we can.