Part 59: Interlude: ROBO-GNOME

Sam returns to HQ. He's been marinating in his sewer stench for so long that he can't smell it any more, and his form-fitting jumpsuit is oddly comfortable. Might as well go ahead and talk to Jenny before he changes...

Annie is now available to work for us, and she brought along some bitchin' huge speakers! However, now we have a problem. HQ is full up. To hire Annie, we must fire someone else. Sam makes this decision carefully, after long consideration, stabbing a finger randomly at the floor-plan machine and chanting 'YOU'RE FIRED'.

The screen goes black.

And Nova toddles off, back to the mountains to have cocoa with Paul.

Now we have a free slot, so we hire Annie on! Note that we could rehire Nova again immediately, if we wanted to.

Annie air-guitars her way into our hearts, and Sam goes to have a very long shower.

Much better. And while we're ensconced in the Derobenator:

I guess the futuristic glasses must be futuristic lady glasses, because they are not here. But that's okay, because the plain ones make Sam look like Alfred the butler, and there is no one cooler.
Let's go drop some furniture on our junior agents! Sam heads down to the basement. After those Star Trek jokes he made, that's exactly where he belongs.

Hi, Annie!

Two new coffee tables placed in an odd and useless pattern--it must mean something--with an angry stuffed monkey plopped down on top of one. Also, the ROBO-GNOME poster. And now, for the first time, we start running up against the item limit! Each floor can hold fifteen items at most. If we want to put in something new, we'll have to take out something old; usually this means trading out small-bonus items for larger-bonus items.

Robo-Gnome. He shills a canned drink of some kind.

Another coffee table, this one decorated with a plush sewer bunny. Also, our Tesla coil, which Sam cannot resist touching! It sure isn't natural, but it also brings the room up to fifteen items.

We actually found no new +Sports items, so Sam piles up Annie's speakers for a more intense aural workout experience or something.

The charismatic dudes get their fancy stone coffee table, a smelly bear plushie (hidden behind Preston's swelled head), and a capsule-toy machine! Not shown: switching out the +Charisma 'Master Chef At Work' music for the +Smarts 'Science In Progress' music.

In the trophy case: our new trophy!

Yuki, Esma, and Brandi. As if we needed it confirmed that Yuki was actually a Morcugirl. ... is that an axe?
With all that taken care of, Sam heads back downstairs and declares it

You sure you don't need some sporty types to beat that underground fire beast into submission, Patrick? No? Well, your funeral, pal. Patrick needs agents skilled in the Paranormal to identify the underground fire beast's weaknesses and agents with the green power of Nature to, I don't know, cover it in moss. Whatever! He needs help!
You guys know the drill by now, although there's a small twist: Sam will now hire and fire agents to suit your whims!

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
No consequences for dispatch-mission failure, slthough you guys are totally knocking it out of the park when it comes to dispatch missions. Or, should I say, Wolfah is? In any case, I doubt you'll fail unless you try very hard to do so!
Voting will remain open for twenty-four-ish hours!