Part 61: Ep. 44: That's Totally How Geology Works, No, Really

While preparing to go back to the industrial district and meet with Dr. F, Sam discovers that Agent Walker needs his help. Again.

Since this dispatch mission relates directly to Morcucorp, Sam commandeers it via executive fiat.

Finally, we'll get Travis that pizza! Also, Annie gets her first chance to shine--for a rock star, she's awfully smart--and Elmira comes along to make everybody feel worse about themselves.

Team Travis dispatched, Sam pulls on his trenchcoat and fedora and hops on the train. In case it isn't obvious, these little shots of Sam and Buddy on the train (or in the jet) are also our 'now loading' screens. When we've actually been pushing plot along, Buddy will often have something pithy to say during the transit.

And back we go. Oh, look, the Morcugirls are still here, persisting in perpetuating their cover story. Let's go bother them!

Aw, she doesn't like us any more! What about Brandi?

Big talk from a woman who doesn't even have a nose. Let's make sure everything's still okay at the club.

Looks fine! Let's head out. In order to get to the lab, Sam cuts through the junkyard. He's picking his way through the mess when Agent Walker texts him.

I have to wonder what special ringtone Sam has set for Walker. 'The Imperial March'? ... 'Weapon Of Choice'? Anyway, let's check in with the junkyard gang before we go. Just in case.

Sure, we were headed in that direction anyway. So what's up with Barney?

You know, I'm beginning to feel a bit--

--railroaded. Fine, fine, back to the lab with us.

Dr. F and Alexa are deep in discussion as we enter.

Sam and Buddy head down to join the good doctor and his better lab assistant.

Sam can now just take Dr. F in stride.

Dr. F, bored now, ignores us in favor of a comic book that he pulls out of his lab coat. It's up to Alexa to do what needs to be done, as usual.

... is that bad?


Dun dun DUNNNNNN! Buddy turns to Sam.

Sam and Buddy head out without further ado. Dr. F shouts after them.

And on that note we acquire a disco ball trophy, some new disguises, and yet more dispatch missions!
Technically we should be heading back to HQ, but Sam is determined to be methodical about these things. He calls Evelyn and gets her started on her research, then goes around to check in with everyone one last time.

Monkey likes it better when you don't touch his face. What about Alexa?

You know, cheap or expensive, all bathroom tissue has the same basic use. Just sayin'. ... TOBOR?

He's just a laugh a minute. Sam turns to go and his phone blares in his pocket.

Wow! Greasy! Sam puts his phone away and heads back down the hill to the junkyard.


Barney sighs.

Is it snide time? It's snide time.

So smug.

On the way back to the club, Sam gets another text from Agent Walker. Sam is vaguely offended on Gino's behalf.

Goddammit, we let Nova leave HQ for five minutes... argh. To the club!

Disturbing as always.



Sweet. Let's head back to HQ. We've got some research to do.