Part 63: Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: The Sadness Parade
Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: The Sadness Parade
The team assembles in the dank basement for Sam's traditional pre-dispatch check-in. The tone is a bit somber.

Maybe more than a bit. Still, stopping Morcubus is Sam's job.

Finding Poppy's stolen parade float... is theirs. The few, the proud, the slightly damaged: Team Wolfah.

Sam goes back down to the basement to offer moral support from a prudent distance.

That doesn't last long. Still, his phone wakes him up.

Things are off to a promising start! I wonder how Wolfah and Dogwood are getting along?
A while later...

The Charismatic agents ask their questions, and they find something. Something... bad.

So bad, in fact, that Pinky does not use the word 'blue' at all.

Vic thinks he's up to the task, though. Is he?

No, he's not! Who could have forseen this twist of events?! Sam tells Poppy to stick with the team--they're her best chance. Her only chance! If she gets separated from them now, who knows what will happen to her?

... it'll be all right. It has to be. Wolfah has not yet begun to fight!

Yes! Go, boy! Get them! You're our only hope!!

Sam half-collapses in relief, then runs upstairs for the debriefing.

And our reward is... an afro? I thought we had the 'fro.

We did. I mean, there it is--

Oh. Oh.

Sadly, it does not come in sky-blue, like the little 'fro, but it is still... a big goddamn 'fro.

Today's missions come from the lab of Dr. F. Here is your mission, should you choose to vote on it:

Dr. F needs... well, he needs medical help. But he also needs Charismatic agents to talk shady arms dealers out of their uranium, and Smart agents to help build that uranium into a nuclear-powered frothing device!

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Meanwhile, Sam will be putting together his own team from your rejects and sending them on this mission:

Remember when we were just sending Travis to get cats out of trees? Now we're in the big leagues!

And as a little halftime bonus for the thread: Wolfah!