Part 64: Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Cocoa Science/Equipment Recovery
Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Cocoa Science/Equipment Recovery
It's a rambunctious team that greets Sam in the third-floor gym.

The team on the rooftop party garden is also raring to go. To go where, Sam is uncertain, but he knows where he's sending them. He goes downstairs to do just that.

Things are looking good for Cocoa Science.

And for Equipment Recovery. Sam does the necessary and dispatches both teams, feeling a bit fidgety himself.

Eventually, both Team Preston (heh) and Team Rosalyn are in place, and looking sharp. Sam trots downstairs for a second to show something off.

MySims Agents firmly believes that it is a platformer first and foremost. If something has a flat spot on it, then by golly we can jump on it. Even in HQ. Sam often plays 'the floor is lava!' while waiting for dispatch missions to update.
But enough of that. Sam goes back upstairs to pace and wait.

Set it to vibrate?

Well, Elmira likes toiling, doesn't she? Sam tells Alexa to send the team into the trench. Work harder, peons!

You are the most boring rock star ever. <

... as frightening as that is, it makes Sam feel that perhaps he chose the right brat to lead this particular team.

Roger continues to be terrifying.

Hooray! That's one down. Preston's probably been irradiated, but who cares? Sam goes to debrief with Jenny.

Dr. F gives us a giant 'Maim-o-Tron' robot, a petite spaceship, and another dispatch mission!

Meanwhile, the salvage team races against time and the elements to recover as much peanut butter as they can! Sam waits. And waits. It's a nail-biting while before his team gets in contact again:

Thanks for that, Rosalyn.

And that's two down! Sam knew they had it in them all along. Let's see what they've earned!

As our reward we get an old Internet meme, a couple of outfits--only one of which we can wear--and a new dispatch mission. Man, Alexa, step up your game, your boss is making you look chintzy and/or sane.

Sam is now ready to shoot some hoops!

Also, to conquer some planets. Sadly, we can't do anything with the spaceship. It's just cute.

No sooner had Sam plonked the spaceship down than Vic walked up and took a picture of it. And presumably tweeted it.

What do you mean, it's just a toy robot?! Oh, well. That's probably safer. It can keep the sewer monkey company.

Our junior agents are taking on their first three-star missions, so they'd better bring their A game! First up:

Oh no, did the float-stealing forest cultists succeed this time? Whatever the cause of the die-off, Petal the elf needs our help to stop it. She needs agents familiar with Nature to commune with the forest, and Paranormal agents to rule out mysterious causes.

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Sam will once again form his own team from your rejects and send them on their own mission:

Sproing! Twenty-four-ish hours! Sproing!