Part 66: Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Candypaluna/Ol' Gabby's Mine/OMG Glow Sticks/The Longest Voyage
Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Candypaluna/Ol' Gabby's Mine/OMG Glow Sticks/The Longest VoyageThe pre-mission pep talks have been suspended in the interests of efficiency. Instead, please enjoy this SimPowerpoint:

Sam sends all the teams off, then rolls up his sleeves, dons his headset, and prepares for the onslaught.

DJ Candy's team is the first to arrive--and the first to depart.

Barney checks in shortly thereafter.

You'd best not call Wolfah a slapdoodle gully-wumper to his face!

No sooner has Sam dismissed the text from Gabby than Sapphire checks in. That's Pinky, Preston, and Beebee, so Sam also totally giggles a little.
A few minutes pass before Sam's phone lights up again.

It's been about six real-time minutes since the teams left HQ. About a minute passes before the next text.

Another minute passes. Sam gulps some coffee.

Oogl. Sam dismisses Gabby's text, and another pops up immediately.

Omigosh omigosh!!

Fortunately, Sam is provided with a text-message history, which will not only sort the messages by teams but mark the messages which haven't yet been viewed.

Says the elf who just texted Sam on her cellphone.

Sam considers telling her that they're red. It would probably be hilarious. It might also result in Pinky going apeshit and slaughtering everyone--Sam sighs. He's a jerk, but not a homicidal jerk. He texts her back: they're blue.
Sam gets another breather here.

NOOOOOO WOLFAH dig, boy! Dig for your life!!


Yuki, Sam replies without hesitation. It's Yuki.
... Dr. F probably just glows green all on his own.

I'm beginning to think that Elmira and Roger are made for each other.

Cave-in or not, I guess Wolfah's having fun.

Hooray! Sam zips down to check in with Jenny--

--and gets two more text messages in the literal three seconds that it takes to run from his desk to hers. He shudders at Preston's and tells Candy that of course his team should touch the monolith.

Gabby gives us a fountain! I guess he found it in the junkyard and fixed it up.
... wait, monoliths are bad, right? Whoops. The silence is deafening. Finally, a few minutes later, Sam's phone goes off. He grabs for it.

Not a monolith, but... OMG yay cold fusion! Sam trots back down the stairs.

We get a cowboy outfit and yet another dispatch mission!
Now that two of the missions have been completed, things quiet down a bit. The other two missions require... some travel.

Well, shit.

I guess Roger did not touch the monolith. Meh, it was probably just Elmira.

But... but what about the aliens?! Let's ask Jenny.

Touching the monolith unlocks a rockin' DJ booth for HQ and... yet another dispatch mission AAARGH
A couple of minutes later:

Sam thumps back in his chair and breathes deeply, then goes down to check in with Jenny.

And Barney gives us... a water tank! Apparently they make everything better.

That is a rockin' cowboy outfit--with no hat. No hat! What the hell, Sapphire? Sam is very hurt. ... maybe we'll get the hat when we do her next dispatch mission.

Sam drops the DJ booth by the dance floor.

The corner fountain in the garden. Whee! Splashy!

And the bubbling water tank goes in with the rest of the creepy science stuff. Sam dusts off his hands--a fine day's work done, and mostly not by him.

We're knocking these out of the park, three and four at a time. We only have... eight to go. (Some of which will spawn more dispatch quests. So many dispatch quests. We were expected to be doing these three and four at a time, all along, but that would have made this LP somewhat hard to follow.) Two more rounds of Halftime Blitz and we should be good to go! Today's quests come from Dr. F's lab, from our very own HQ, and from some crazy lady we've never met! Let's ride.
Sam asks you to be responsible for the following missions:

Dr. F... sigh. Dr. F needs agents who are Smart enough to realize that a 229-foot-tall Dr. F is no Dr. F at all, and agents who are Charismatic enough to convince a 229-foot-tall Dr. F not to step on them!

Roxie also needs Smart and Charismatic agents to infiltrate and surveil our own HQ!

You can check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Meanwhile, Sam will be forming teams to handle these two missions. Does he have enough Smart and Charismatic agents to handle this? Maybe not. Maybe we'll get to see some hilarious failure after all!

You've got about twenty-four hours to get your vote on!