Part 67: Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: F, Robot/Snack Thief/What's The F?/Missing Bugs
Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: F, Robot/Snack Thief/What's The F?/Missing Bugs
Your SimPowerpoint for today's missions. Sam dispatches everyone and then, emboldened by yesterday's successes, embarks on his own mission: a mission of redecorating headquarters to his tastes. He's shuffling giant speakers around when Dr. F texts him.

wait what

Sure, but... back up a sec, brain dive?
Gertrude's team must be caught in traffic, as she does not add to the onslaught of text messages. After a while Sam gets back to moving furniture around, occasionally mumbling "Brain dive?" under his breath.

Sam's done in the hangar by the time that Gertrude texts him. Guess Wolfah took the scenic route.

Sam thought they were going to do research, Alexa!

... Sam would give anything to see that. Alternately, depending on what happens, he might give anything to never see it again.

If the thief takes the ice cream, there will be nothing left to get fingerprints from. Therefore, camera surveillance is the way! Sam tells Roxie as much.


Dude. Do the magnetar thing! Sam doesn't even know what that is, but it sounds awesome.

On the one hand, Dr. F builds a lot of robots. On the other hand... Dr. F talks about rockets. Sam tells Alexa to tell the team to bring up rockets.

Also a real thing. Dr. F does not kid around with his mad science.

seriously we could have just done a records search or looked for his birth certificate or something

Collecting bugs is a time-consuming chore, apparently, since this is only the third message from the bug team.


That sounded kind of impressive! Pity that being named 'Preston Winthrop, Esquire' defined him as 'a jerk who dresses up as a yeti to steal ski lodges from nutty old women'.

Oh no! Time for the backup plan! ... we don't have a backup plan! Sam panics for a while, then gets another text:

Well, that's something of a relief. Calmer now, Sam decides to wait until all the teams are back in, then send a different team after the giant Dr. F-Bot. In the meantime, he takes the elevator back up to the lobby.

Sam and Jenny both sigh. Then Jenny shrugs and flips a page.

For the successful brain dive--brain dive?--we are gifted a spooky sofa, a smart coffee table (rad!), and some metal-plate paint! Sam goes back to wandering between floors and shuffling furniture around.

... so I guess we can write Vic off as the thief. That or he dissembles very well.

AGH guess we'll be forming two new teams after the old ones come back!

Sam sighs and gets back to staring at his phone.

Two unsuccessful teams and one successful team have returned to HQ. Only one team is still, out there painstakingly picking up bugs.

Two wins, two losses. Sam checks in with Jenny.

Grateful enough to give us a telescope and a garden gnome! Right. Let's get back to business.

Sam dispatches the new teams and decides to stick close to his desk this time. Maybe that's the magic formula. Things go... similarly for a while.

Man, Preston is making all kinds of superficial sense today. Sam doesn't know how to feel about that.

Roxie once again asks how she should protect her snack. This time, Sam tells her to use fingerprinting. Because the suspect has to touch the fridge. Somehow, he forgot that the first time.

Hot on Roxie's heels, Dr. F wants to know how the team should capture the robot. This time Sam is in no mood for SCIENCE! and so he just tiredly informs Dr. F that they should use the damn off switch.

... Sam hates you all.

Goddammit, it's true. It is Preston. That was supposed to be a joke!

I... but... okay! Jenny?

Dr. F's rewards include... a new dispatch mission. That's it. What hath science wrought?! A whole bunch of nothing, that's what!

Well, at least that makes Sam feel a little less grumpy. He thwacks Buddy lightly on the back of the head and then checks in with Jenny one final time.

Roxie gives us a trophy of herself, some tech goggles, and a cute bee pillow! Now, see, those are good rewards. And with that, we're done for the day! Let's look at our rewards.

Goes well with the side-eyeing Jenny!
We're getting pretty heavy on images here, so here's a text-link image roundup of how HQ looks now: a funky metal-plate floor; the giant telescope, (hidden) garden gnome, and floating orange coffee table in the revamped hangar (now with better speakers); a goggle-eyed bee pillow in the garden; a new space sofa for Beebee to jump on, in the rearranged basement; nothing really new in the gym, except that Sam reunited the sewer plushies and also moved the sphinx up here for no reason at all.

This is the last batch of missions in Halftime Blitz! After this we'll be able to get back to work, which will doubtless make Evelyn happy; today's missions come from Club Candy, with a sidenote by the infamous Dr. F--the regular-sized one.
Sam would like you to pick the teams to handle these two missions:

Mad science is the solution to every mundane problem, if you're Dr. F. True to form, Dr. F needs Smart agents to help him build a time machine, and Paranormal agents to help fight the resulting toast-Morlocks!

Makoto, definitely not a robot, wishes to be flagged as 'popular'. Obviously she needs the help of Charismatic agents to charm the other students into signing her yearbook; however, as she is still definitely not a robot, some Paranormal agents may also come in handy!

You can check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Sam will be handling these two missions, although suggestions will be considered if you have them:

Uh oh, cans with Buddy's name on them. Wonder how many of them Buddy will drink before he explodes?
Twenty-four-hours, just about!