Part 68: Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Time For Toast/High School Yearbook/Music That Moves You/Red Buddy
Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Time For Toast/High School Yearbook/Music That Moves You/Red Buddy
Oof. Team Elmira isn't looking too sharp there. Oh, well. Do your best! Sam dispatches everybody, then goes up to the hangar to relax in his stylin' Hawaiian shirt. He's had a hard couple of days, what with the constantly getting text-messaged and all.


... oh crap Pinky is still in high school we're all gonna get busted for endangering a minor

You're... you're welcome, Beebee.

Sam, ever a master of telling people what they want to hear, tells Hopper that of course it needs more *sproing!*.

Invite her to your party! Nobody likes robocalls. ... is Sam invited?

Elmira, Preston, and Beebee: now able to set things on fire with their minds. ... that's it, Sam's quitting.

... how old are you, Travis? Are you also in high school? aaagh my insurance rates

Sam: so quitting.

Locker room. Der.

Low frequencies sound more primitive and hind-brain-y, right? Sam votes delta.

Sell out immediately, Roger!

WOW VIC TOO MUCH INFORMATION (times I cracked up while recording this update: 1)

Hooray! Sam makes it maybe two steps towards the elevator before his phone buzzes again.

Gophers. Totally do the gopher thing.
Sam gets into the elevator without further ado. Jenny?

In return for giving her an unfair advantage, Makoto gifts us a robot that will make us happy. Also, another dispatch mission.

(times I cracked up while recording this update: 2)

omigosh omigosh drink it! drink the Red Buddy!

Which is exactly who Rosalyn was in the original MySims.

Whoa! Elmira's team managed to pull through! Despite their poor chance to succeed and Preston's bad attitude! This is our reward for doing something nice for Beebee, obviously. Sam heads for Jenny's desk--


Candy gives us a new trophy and some trendy clubwear!

... huh?

Making up for last time, Dr. F sends us some mad scientist clothes, some brain paint, and a trophy for the case!

uh oh

The flavor names are referring to the roles Buddy played in the original MySims and in MySims Kingdom! And with that, all four missions have completed successfully, despite some worries to the contrary--Sam goes to check in one last time.

Sapphire gifts us a Buddy trophy and a fancy new sofa--but no cowboy hat. Boooo. Oh, well. Let's look at our loots!
HQ update: braaaaaains paint, new sofa in its grouping, actual giant robot this time.

Sam can now dress up like Dr. F--or like Zack, complete with man-purse!

And with that, the Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz comes to an end! Next time on MySims Agents, we'll get back to the plot... but first, one last

Oh, boy, folks. Makoto needs a prom date. Three prom dates, actually. And she came to us. She needs Charismatic prom dates, obviously, but she also needs agents skilled in Nature to make sure that her corsage is just perfect.

You can check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
You might find it amusing to send Travis on this one. You've got twenty-four hours to pick your dates!