Part 69: Ep. 46: The Mail Call Of The Wild

Last time on MySims Agents

Come on, Buddy. You can do it. Deep breath, and...

Last time on MySims Agents
: Morcubus is making a new fortunite crystal from the destinite that Esma and Brandi mined from under Candy's club so we have to go find the original crystal to counter it and Evelyn and Jenny found the guy who owns it only he's dead and they're about to read his will so we have to find a way to go to the will party and it turns out that Poppy might have been invited because her sister Violet was so we're supposed to go talk to Poppy now!

Good job!

... w-water...
Sam's off to Main Street to talk to Poppy!
After he changes clothes and dispatches Team Travis to the prom.
Main Street. Same as it ever was. Sam bumps into Rhonda in the town square.

: Hello Rhonda, have you seen Poppy around?

: Hmm, I'm sure Poppy is around, she likes to go to Gino's often.
Ah, pizza. To Gino's, then!
Huh. She's not here. Wonder where she went?

: Hey Gino!

: Hey Sam. Someone named
Dr. F called here. I think he was looking for you.

: Oh, he was?

Which is either a high compliment or a veiled threat. Either way, he'll probably end up wearing my skin.
If Poppy's not here, maybe she's in the park next door. Sam heads over, stopping to talk to an old friend along the way.

: Hey Dogwood, how have ya been boy?!

*ruff*... *yip*

: Good! Make sure you take care of Poppy.
And, speak of the devil, there she is!

: How's it going, Poppy? I might need your help.

: My help?
Yay! Okay, Sam!

: You don't know?

: No. That mean Derek has been stealing people's mail. For
a couple weeks! I've missed two packets from my "Seed Of The Week" gardening club.
Poppy is upset by this, as well she might be. So is Sam!

: And with the invitation that's
three stolen letters! That's a Federal offense!

: Don't worry, Poppy. I'll take care of this.
Poppy cheers up a little and gets back to work. Sam, meanwhile, pulls out his long-neglected notebook.

I need to have a chat with Derek. Where could he have gone to?
I wonder! Sam heads for the park forest, but, on the way, stops to chat with Dogwood again.

: Hi Dogwood. Long time no see.

: *ruff ruff!*

: Yeah, sometimes you just don't know if you're doing the right thing, you know?

: *grrrr ruff!*

: You're right. Thanks, Dogwood. I'll be alright after all.
hum de dum wonder where Derek could possibly be
oh there he is
Having laid down the law, Derek points at us and laughs. Cruelly.
Unfortunately for him, Sam has already Manipulated this nice tire-and-trashcan stairway into existence. He now uses it to invade Fort Derek, sneaking up behind Derek as Derek fiddles with his stereo.

: What do you know about Poppy's letters?

Derek: not observant.
Sam gets all up in Derek's face.

: Cough it up. Why have you been stealing
Poppy's mail?

: Afterwards I toss them in the woods. The animals can use them if they want them.
Derek turns on his heel and leaves Sam with his notebook--and his duty.

I'll have to climb across these branches here to find those letters.
But first, a pause to enjoy the scenery. Sadly Fortunately, Derek is all talk and does not take this opportunity to shove Sam off the cliff.
Sam scrambles across the branches and heads deeper into the trees.
And what's this?
Sam tucks it into his pocket and notes down his find in his journal.

Looks like Derek just tossed the letters back here in the forest.

The other letters must be further along these branches!
Sam scrambles up the branch to where the nest full of giant eggs rests.

I bet Roxie can analyze the eggs and tell me about this bird.
Sam pulls out his phone and is preparing to call Roxie when it BRANGs in his hand, startling him.
Excellent. Sam stores the message and calls Roxie.

: Hey Roxie, what kind of bird laid these eggs?
bwoop bwoop
In other words, it's some kind of giant blue jay. Let's tell Pinky!
Sam says goodbye and hangs up, pausing--while still on top of an egg--to update his notes.

The bird must have used the letters in various nests around town. I should ask if anybody has seen any birds.
Can't imagine where that will lead! Sam heads back down the branches to Fort Derek, pausing to needle its commander.

: I found one of the letters you stole.

: Oh... really? Fine with me.
His sulky expression suggests that it is not, in fact, fine with him, which is fine with Sam.

: But I only found one. It appears that the mama bird took the others to use to make nests.

: Haha! I guess they did a better job of stealing than I did! Good luck,
Sam heads out of the forest, pausing to update Buddy on the situation. Because Buddy's input is invaluable.

: What do you think, Buddy?
Right on! Also, now Sam is hungry. He leaves the forested area and returns to the park.

: I found one of your letters.

: Oh thank you! This is happy and good!

: There's still more to find. It seems they've been carried away by a mama bird. Have you seen any birds around?

: Hmm... well I have seen a cute little bird around the salon. Maybe she has the letter!
Cute little bird? Sam has visions of the salon topped with a nest the size of an economy car. He'll have to check. But first, since we're over here, let's casually drop by and remind Mayor Skip that we are always watching.

: Have you seen any birds recently?
Skip is eager to suck up. I mean, help.

: I always keep tabs on the wildlife in my city! I have seen some over the salon and also in the construction yard.
Actually helpful! Sam heads out to investigate.

Next time on MySims Agents
: Sam goes birdwatching! And not just birdwatching: EXTREME birdwatching!