Part 76: Interlude: Oh God, My Alligators
Miniature Moose posted:
I really like the design of the house and bayou. It's a great environment to just walk around and look at everything. Of course, you could say that about all the areas in the game.
And speaking of walking around and looking at everything!
The swamp is full of things! Mostly alligators and ominous bubblings, it's true, but also things to look at and poke.

... Zombie Carl?
Okay, yes, it probably is Zombie Carl, although none of the games ever confirms as much. Which begs the question: if his bones are out here, what's holding up that thing inside the house?

Man, that was a big tree once. Anyway, the shiny object turns out to be a little statuette of Carl dressed up like a firefighter! Why? Why not?

Let's break it!

Aww, no breaking. This area is heavy on items that can be shaken to no effect, as you may have noticed.

An alligator! And a mysterious bubbling! Those are in the background of a lot of screenshots from this area, actually.

Enough of that for now, though. Let's go back to HQ, get our suit dry-cleaned, finish up Makoto's quest, and put our new toys in the trophy case! Sam and Buddy pile into the jet.

Might as well hit up the trophy case before we go downstairs.

Wow, that's starting to look pretty good there.

The picture of the messenger in the hall (and the statue behind it) turns out to be Faith Connors from the contemporary EA title Mirror's Edge! Like Isaac Clarke, Faith was originally slated to make an actual cameo in the game; due to budget constraits or deadlines or what have you, her role was reduced to that of trophy. Har har.

She has an unused portrait, though!

And some concept art!
Agents is the first game in the MySims series to feature cameos from other EA titles, which is a bit ironic since it's also the next-to-last game in the franchise. And, as we've seen, the cameos did not quite work out here.
By the time that MySims SkyHeroes came along to close out the franchise, though, the team had gotten the hang of this cameo thing. SkyHeroes is a game in which you and your team fly tiny planes around and shoot at other tiny planes; if you go to the right places and shoot at the right planes, you'll unlock the ability to shoot at tiny planes piloted by some not-exactly-familiar-any-more faces:

Like Morrigan from Dragon Age: Origins!

Or Commander Shepard from Mass Effect!
Also included in the SkyHeroes roster: Dusty (Medal of Honor series) and Elliot Salem and Tyson Rios (Army Of Two). Is that appropriate for an E-rated game? Hell if I know!
Blah blah anyway. Let's go check in with Jenny.

We can now recruit Makoto to our team, heck yes, and she brings along a smart bed and another computer!

Remember how Dr. F names everything after himself?

As Bobbin Threadbare points out, Makoto says 'Yay' in binary here. Back atcha, says Sam, and runs off to have a bath.