Part 77: Ep. 52: Cinderella This Ain't
Right, then! My houseguests have moved on, so welcome back to the LP (or just plain 'welcome!' if you're a new reader). Where were we?Oh, right. Shoes.

When last we left off, Sam had just asked Carl if he could match Carl's shoes against these highly-suspicious manly footprints.

Sam heads out, weighing his options. Ms. Nicole helped us identify Zoe's footprints. Maybe she could help us again?

Oh, well. Let's eliminate the other male suspects first, and then maybe we won't have to pull Carl's leg off. Gordon's wandering around just outside the kitchen, so he gets to be first.

Sam makes a 'c'mon' gesture until Gordon lifts his foot, then bends down to study Gordon's shoe. After a moment:

Sam heads over towards the piano, where Trevor is posing.

Trevor continues to worry me.

Anyway, Sam gets a similarly good look at Trevor's shoe.

I guess we need to check Carl's shoes after all. Sam wanders back into the kitchen, hoping for inspiration to strike... perhaps in the form of Buddy?


I... hm. Well...

Oh, Sam.

Oh, Sam, no.

Yep. Sam chuckles in delight at the carnage, not caring a bit that he just got jam and shards of glass all over his F-Space Modulator.

How to do that...

I guess that works!

"Extra jam, please."
Carl lurches off and Sam whips out the notebook.

Carl swipes ineffectually at the broken jam jar, then wanders over to the stove--through the jam puddle--and starts frying... something. Sam pulls out the detector.

Having dealt with the mystery of the footprints, Sam consults his notebook to figure out what to do next. Oh, right, we needed to go into the library and find that book, in order to learn more about what might have been used to break the fortunite crystal. Let's do that now. Without waiting for our sandwich, because Carl's time is worthless to us.

Madame Zoe is still here, but to hell with it.

There we go. And Zoe didn't even notice. Sam is smooth.

And here we are in the library! As Sam enters, the camera zooms up--and up, and up--to an unassuming cardboard box at, yes, the 'top' of the library. Welp. I think I can see how the next few minutes are going to go.


Concept Art: Early Violet Design
- by Genevieve Tsai
While the team did not end up running with this design, it wasn't a total loss: this piece of concept art was used as one of the photographs in Cyrus' wall of antique portraiture.