Part 78: Ep. 53: Special Agents' Lonely Hearts Club Band


We're in the library! It's been closed off for a very long time, if the dust is anything to go by. However, it's also the quietest place Sam has found yet, so he's going to give Jenny a call and see how things are going back at HQ. Because that's totally a thing we can do in this game.

It turns out that Agent Walker is still hot on the trail of Morcucorp and needs our help again! Hands up if you're shocked.

Since this mission deals directly with Morcucorp, Sam pulls rank on us and tells Jenny to throw Rosalyn, Nova, and Makoto into the sewers. Being able to do this over the phone is still totally a thing we can do in this game; I'm certainly not taking liberties with the actual chain of events for the sake of the narrative. Honest.

After saying goodbye to Jenny, Sam heads down the spiral staircase to the ground floor of the library, where all the bookshelves are. Not enough bookshelves, though. There are books piled everywhere.

There's nothing really important on the ground floor of the library, although there sure are a lot of things to mess with. As we'll see in a future interlude.

Sam is just finishing up his exploration of the ground floor when Walker texts him. I'm just going to assume that Walker un-ironically called an all-female team 'your best men' because he's so focused on Morcucorp that he no longer sees gender. Or something.

Dismissing Walker's message, Sam taps into this first fenergy vent and uses it to move the box over to the free-standing shelf. (This is actually completely unnecessary, as we can jump to the shelf from somewhere else, but oh well!)

He uses it to get up on top of the shelf--

--and starts building a box staircase with the help of the second fenergy vent, incorporating a small stack of books as a final flourish. (The box from the ground floor could also be added into the stairs, but it's completely unnecessary. Again.)

He then jumps over to this cluster of bookshelves to make use of it, pausing to admire this statue.

Climbing the box staircase lets us get on top of this bookshelf.

And then up via a small ledge to J. Random Bookshelf, on the wall in the middle of nowhere, almost completely unreachable. Must be for really unpopular books.

Walking out along this ledge will allow us to proceed, but to hell with that. A chest!

You'd think we could just jump over to the chest, since it's literally right there, but mysteriously, we can't. Sam has to backtrack to the wall and then jump along these conveniently-placed boxes.

Yaaaaaaaay! We found a cookie jar, a piano, and an ant farm! Also a new junior agent, a boss battle, nineteen dispatch missions, and a pair of earrings shaped like tomatoes! Wait, no, I'm just a little punchy is all.

Ahem. Anyway. A board thrown haphazardly across our path lets us clamber onto one of the giant chandeliers.

There are three chandeliers to traverse. Despite their being maybe a foot or two apart at most,

Sam gets a little snarky about the piles of books even up here, for which I cannot blame him. He goes for the ledge, and--

ACK oh hey Makoto thanks for that

More ledges and boxes and sheer verticality. This mansion ought to look like a skyscraper from outside.

And another fenergy vent! However, as it turns out, we can't use it to move these boxes out of our way.

Instead we have to grab these piled-up boards--

--and mysteriously f-glue them onto the side of this ledge to create a bypass that isn't rickety or unsafe at all, no sir.

Fortunately, the bypass does not collapse under our feet, and it gets us to our goal: the first edition!

Ah ha!

Gosh. I wonder. Did we see, oh, I don't know, a toolbox anywhere?