Part 79: Interlude: Oh God, My Aging Joke
Everybody knows that a library is an excellent place to read and learn. Let's do some of that! A library is a less excellent place to grab fragile things and shake them, but we'll do some of that, too, because Special Agent Sam is a loose cannon who doesn't play by your rules.

This nets us some paints made of old castles, or something.

And this box has a podium and a spoooooooky book, oooooooh.

Sam likes books.

Cyrus was a man of... varied tastes. Okay, he liked animals and videogames. Also, books.

Let's break her!

Sam makes a frightened noise and looks around to make sure no one saw him doing that.

Let's... oh, you know.

It's hard to get a decent look at that painting, but you can see it slightly more clearly in this screenshot from the last update. Cyrus was apparently a ginger!


Not a particularly funny observation, but I am including it because of its maximum truthiness.