Part 80: Ep. 54: Bang Bang Someone's Silver Hammer

His newfound fortunite knowledge in hand, Sam leaves the library. A silver hammer, eh? Wonder where we might find such a thing?

Well, la-di-da, Miss Priss. Okay, fine, we'll do just that.

And, as usual, we find Carl in the kitchen.

Carl sighs.

Outside! Granted, we knew that already--but since we can investigate leads in any order, there's always the chance that we might not have gone outside yet to find the toolbox.

Sam leaves the house and heads back to where we last saw the toolbox.


The toolbox pops open, and there is indeed a hammer inside--

--but let's gather some hard evidence and keep excellent records of it in case we are called upon to testify about this in ha ha ha yeah right sure. Anyway, Sam puts the Techno-Tool away and calls up Roxie back at HQ.

bwoop bwoop

As long as we close off all the molecular bonds, the game doesn't care how many pieces they're in.

And I guess having us reconstruct two different 'molecules' is actually appropriate! Wooow. Sam says goodbye to Roxie and hangs up, then pulls out his notebook.

Uh, Roxie didn't say anything about it being pure silver, and maybe you should write down the thing about the crystal bits--

--or not, I guess that's okay

And if we look back in the opened toolbox:

Sam heads back inside the mansion, away from the damp and the alligators and stuff. Carl is still in the kitchen, presumably still making our sandwich.

that face

You know what this is, this is blatant anti-undead bigotry, dammit, Sam! Carl limps sadly off, leaving Sam to his notes.

Note the word Sam uses there: 'motivation'. That won't come back to haunt us, no sir. Sam leaves the kitchen, deep in thought, and promptly walks face-first into a text from Agent Walker:

Well, where there's food there are bound to be people, right? Follow the food!
Now, then. Carl's 'motivation'.

Who knows more about a character's motivation... than an actor?


Trevor beams and heads off, and Sam realizes that he has no better ideas.

Oh hell yes, let's do this.



We can choose to confront Carl with either our footprint evidence or our silver-hammer evidence. Both scenarios play out similarly. If we'd chosen the footprints:

And it's just the same from there. We can only confront him about one piece of evidence, though; once we pick one, the other one is removed from our list of dialogue choices.