Part 85: Ep. 59: He Tells Me To Burn Things


Right. We know the score now. Sam runs back to the crystal chamber, kicking up clouds of dust behind him, hot on the heels of a CLUE.

The broken fortunite crystal still lies here. Or does it?! Let's find out!

bwoop bwoop

This puzzle is a touch more difficult than it looks. If we don't place the two-bond atoms correctly, we won't have room on the playing field for all the one-bond atoms to fit.

But we're good.

Ah ha! Ha ha HA! Flush with triumph, Sam says goodbye to Roxie and pulls out his notebook.

Now that we know that things aren't what they seem--and now that Carl's had a while to calm down--it's time to go back to the kitchen and tackle the dumbwaiter.

Fortunately we somehow magically have the parts to repair the dumbwaiter. Maybe they were laying around inside the shaft, or maybe Violet collected them for us.

Also, this may be the first thing that we've repaired in which gears do not look all that out of place!

fuckin' dumbwaiter

And Sam scrambles into the dumbwaiter and hauls himself upwards.

It dumps him out here, above the foyer of the mansion. There are promising rafters and such, but...

Aww. Anyway, Carl's room is over here.

He's got this weird little half-house thing built up in the rafters. It can only be reached by dumbwaiter. The original Boudreauxes did not wish to see the lives of their servants being played out, I guess.

Wow! It's a shithole!

Unsurprisingly, there's a lot of stuff to look at in this hoarder's hovel. Rest assured, we'll do that soon. Right now, though, let's talk to Carl.

Back up, hold up, hold the phone!

let us help you

... I think this would have been good information to have a couple of hours ago! Or, to put it another way: dun dun dunnnn!