Part 86: Ep. 60: Well, I Certainly Did Not See That One Coming


Because it's easier to check the ventilation shaft than inside Carl's head!

Carl lurches off to be alone with his voices. Thoughtful now, Sam updates his notes.

Way ahead of you, Sam.

There's a fan and ventilation shaft in the wall above Carl's bed, but it's... unhelpful.

As Sam leaves Carl's attic, the camera zooms up past the roof--

--up to our current goal, this ventilation duct.

Right, let's get to it. From here we can see both the large portraits that hang in the foyer; they're both of Madame Zoe, one as a child and one as an adult. Awww.

Anyway, we make it to the first platform quickly and easily. If we climb out along the rafter to our right--

--we can see down into the upstairs hallway as we go--

--and we find a box. A Morcucorp box. Well, Cyrus did work for Morcucorp...

Let's loot it! We get a decorative suit of armor like the ones downstairs, and... another one just like it!

That's all that's over there. Sam backtracks to the first platform and jumps upwards using Cyrus' piled-up crap. Convenient!

Sam balances up this ramp and finds yet another Morcucorp box on the next platform. It contains an Egyptian vase and a Greek vase. We'll be stealing those from the estate. Thanks, Uncle Cyrus!

This next balance beam is our first crooked one. Crooked beams make a balancing Sam a very wobbly and unhappy fellow. Even more so than usual.

But he makes it! How tall is this ridiculous house anyway?

We have to make another loop around the building to reach our goal. Sam heads over to this convenient walkway...

And then out along this AAAAGH

Fortunately, we survive the walkway that is two random planks haphazardly thrown across each other with no support in the middle whatsoever. Somehow. It brings us to our goal! And first we loot this crate, because we have priorities. The crate contains new videogames for our Plane vs. Eye arcade machine!

Games pocketed, Sam goes over to check out the vent which was his actual goal.

So, let me see if I've got this straight.

It was Carl who smashed the fortunite crystal. Only he didn't know that he did it, because he did it in his sleep, because the mysterious voices inside his head told him to. Only they weren't really spooky head-voices, but rather some jerk whispering down the ventilation shaft by his bed, going "Ooh, Carl, ooh, Cyrus would really want you to go smash the fortunite crystal, do it right now, ooh." Only it wasn't really a fortunite crystal, but a fake. So it wasn't Carl who smashed the fortunite crystal after all.
Did I get that right?
So, anyway, we're supposed to look for clues as to the phantom whisperer...

... so what's this, then?


Sam makes his way back down. Yes, he has to walk. If he falls off a balance beam--accidentally or on purpose--he 'lands' on the platform at the foot of the beam. Awfully nice of the game, should we fall off while making our way up; not so nice when trying to retrace our steps quickly.

By the time he comes to the rafters, he is so tired of platforming that he flings himself off into space.

Fortunately, he make a safe landing on the couch.