Part 87: Interlude: Carl's Attic And Other Holes
Hey, it's not like we're doing anything important right now--let's go look at some things!
Carl's room is just full of weird junk. We should check this out.

Aw, a little wind-up train!


If we look at Carl's gross stained floor mattress...

Something under the covers? Let's shake it loose!

Actually, let's shake the bed and then watch Sam freak out!


Eugh, enough of that. Let's go outside.

Answer: a gargoyle! And an ivy trellis! Cripes, Cyrus really had to own everything, didn't he?

Remember this gigantic stump? There was a trophy of Fireman Carl on top of it, and... that there is a poorly-hidden door!

A locked door.

But not for long!

We've let ourselves into this pleasant, sunny swamp nook.

So nice in here.

But hey, who gives a fig about ambience when there's theft to be about? There are two chests to loot in here! In this one we find some super-keen new music to play at HQ.

And over here, a capelet, some kind of desk, and a chair for said desk.

Here's the capelet--it's just a gray recolor of the Holmes outfit that we got earlier.

And, while we're at it, the Cyrus costume, now with 98% less flour dust.

Finally, some sage life advice from the dude who literally forgot that seeds require time to grow into plants.