Part 88: Ep. 61: J'Accuse, J'Accuse, J'Accuse!

Last time on MySims Agents
: Special Agent Sam finds a convenient voice-changing ventilation shaft and a mysterious dropped feather! What does he not find? Any kind of spooky moon.
Before we get started, we should go update Violet on the situation. To the kitchen!

: Carl and I had a good chat.

: Oh, great! What did he have to say?

: Oh, thank you, Sam!!
Sam detaches himself from the hysterical dame and goes in search of Ms. Nicole. Once again, this case comes down to her fashion expertise. Or feather expertise.

: Ms. Nicole, do you recognize this feather?
I'd go 'dun dun dun!' here, except yeah, we totally figured that out on our own.
Meanwhile, Ms. Nicole demonstrates that her feathers are much more fashion-forward.
Zoe is hanging around on the stairs, looking impatient.

: I'd like to ask you a few more questions.

: Certainly, mon chere! Whatever I can do to wrap up this case quickly and forever.
Oh, it's 'mon chere' now? That does not even francais, you poseur.
Sam's conversation with Madame Zoe can branch off in several directions, but generally in only one of two ways, and it always winds up at the same destination. For example:

: Do you have any other supernatural hobbies?

: Mmhmm. Thank you, Zoe.
Madame Zoe goes back to staring off impatiently at nothing and Sam pulls out his notebook.

Zoe is an expert hypnotist! She was in the attic and could have hypnotized Carl into smashing the crystal. But why?

Carl was framed! I should tell Violet!
That's the simplest and least-branching method of getting the information we need. Here's a different way:

: You seem awfully eager to get me out of here.

: The case is solved! I do not understand what need there is to continue investigating.

: Or perhaps you'd like everyone else out of the house for some reason. A reason involving the fortunite? Or the will?

: If I had just wanted everyone to leave, I could have simply hypnotized them!
If we're non-confrontational:

: You know hypnotism? You must be quite talented.

: Oh, but I'm sure your skills have limits. You couldn't [...]
And so on. If we call her out on it:

: Just like you hypnotized Carl to smash the crystal!

: That's... ridiculous! What would I have to gain from hypnotizing Carl? And why would I want the crystal destroyed?
If we'd chosen to ask about her presence in the attic:

: Why were you on the rafters in the attic?

: I was up there trying to fix a heating vent that had gotten clogged, that's all.

: What are you accusing me of? Hypnotism?
These conversational choices lead us down the exact same 'butter her up' path and 'call her out' path, respectively, and any path we follow will inevitably lead us to the conclusion that she hypnotized Carl into doing her bidding. We don't yet know why, but eh, motive is overrated. Let's go talk to Violet!

: I've solved the case!
And so we do!
Everyone gathers in the foyer. And I do mean 'everyone'; Carl has come down and Violet has finally deigned to join us. What will happen now?

Next time on MySims Agents
: Zombie Carl was set up, framed for a crime he... well, he did commit it, only not really, and he wasn't in his right mind when he did it anyway! And maybe now, just maybe, we'll find out why!