Part 89: Ep. 62: The Cruel Ladies Of Fate


Gathering. Duh.

Sam turns to Zoe.

Dun dun dunnn!

Sam steps out into the center of the group.

Carl looks both thrilled and relieved at this news.

The guilt crashes back in on him.

Sam holds out his hand. Zoe huffs and refuses to give him the crystal for a moment...

... but shortly relents.

Sam nods to Buddy.

He turns to address the rest of the group.

zoe is so mad, you guys

But in the end she gives up and hands the will over to Buddy.


Zoe stomps over.

Zoe shakes her fist at Violet.

Zoe bolts out the front door.

Sam and Buddy give desultory chase, but...

Violet turns to Sam.

Carl lurches over to escort Sam and Buddy out. Violet stays behind for a moment.

And she follows Sam's group out the door, leaving the others behind.
