Part 91: Interlude: The Spoils Of War

We return to HQ and are promptly inundated with our rewards for successfully straightening out the Boudreaux estate! Apparently we're just going to glue a stand to the fortunite crystal and stick it in our trophy case. Oh, well, no one will look for it there, right?

Also: we get literally every single person we met at Cyrus' mansion as junior agents. Well, except Cyrus. We don't get him. That's probably for the best.
Also also: some kind of jacket, some sweet surfing outfits, summer swimwear--are you spotting a theme here?--and two more dispatch missions!
Also also also: I do not know why Jenny is floating six inches above her chair in these shots. I don't think I want to know.
But wait! There's more! We completed a mission for Agent Walker, remember?

Oh, hey, Jenny stopped levitating.
For our smelly efforts, we get an Agent Walker trophy, a very small dinosaur skull, and an electric guitar and amp. Sam seems to think that Agent Walker is not a good gift-giver. I disagree!
We've got a lot of stuff to look at, but I know where I want to start. Well, first Sam gets out of his swamp-stained blue suit and into something a little more... special agent-y.

Right! To the phones!

No promises!

All right! An uberSim!

I've always liked Gordon. All he ever wants is be left in peace to read his books, and he will get very sarcastic with you if you prevent him from doing so.

Sam's response to this is a very lukewarm golf clap.

Two uberSims! Two! We have enough Charisma at our disposal to undermine a small country.

I hear one 'milady' out of you and you're fired, Trevor.

that's boring, you're boring

Heck, we kept Preston around. Why not Zoe?
And now that everyone's settled in, it's

We've racked up another handful of dispatch missions! Let's do something about that. If you would be so kind, please put together a team of junior agents to help Marlon:

Marlon the Royal Wizard needs Charismatic agents to interview potential apprentices, and Paranormal agents to test the magical aptitude of the applicants!

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Meanwhile, Sam will be forming a team of his own from your rejects, to help Wendalyn:

Suggestions for the B-team will certainly be considered!
Voting will remain open for approximately twenty-four hours! However, I am expecting another set of visitors shortly--apparently I am a destination now--so after the votes are counted I will also be putting the thread on hiatus for about a week. Booooo.