Part 93: Dispatch Mission: The Prominence/The Bushido Code

You know what, Ms. Nicole, Sam couldn't agree more. Once he packs you all off on your missions, he's going to do some painting.

So g'wan, get outta here.

You too, prospective samurai.

Sam is getting tired of that garish old paint job in the gym. Pink and green is so five hours ago. Let's do some painting! Oh, and we'll keep abreast of our text messages. Samurai Bob is either impressively serious about this or he's one of those neckbeards who wave a katana around in YouTube videos.

That they are. By the way, The Amazing Daryl's earlier reference to 'the exploding bellhop trick' is another series in-joke: in the original MySims, Buddy was the bellhop in your town's hotel.

Magical Love-Love Samurai Beebee!

Oh, thank goodness, I was afraid the game was going to get all serious business for once.

So, having painted the gym bright purple, Sam decides to shift the furniture around some. Ms. Nicole texts him in the middle of it all. I hope she likes what he's done with the place.

There. With the addition of the grand piano and the gargoyle statue, this room is now super high class. Also, purple.

Dude. We sent you Wolfah. Test their courage!

Sam will totally set that picture as his phone's wallpaper.

I see Trevor is dead again.

nice view from up here

In other news: remember how we found some old videogames in Cyrus' attic? This is Lockdown.

We expected nothing less. Let's just finish up here.

This one is called Bond, Covalent Bond. Anyway, let's go talk to Jenny!

What's this 'honorary' crap?! Uhhh anyway Samurai Bob gives us a totally fake Chinese vase and a red ninja outfit. Guys, I think Bob might not really be Japanese.

Red ninja! We are just all colors of ninja over here.

Sam plops the new vase onto the executive desk. Vic appears to be jealous of it.

What, we can't have both? Anyway, mirrors are flashier. Use mirrors.

I... but... what... okay, The Amazing Daryl

gettin' eye germs on Roxie's microscope

Sam finishes tinkering with the basement. Rocketships are cool.

You know what, The Amazing Daryl, you're okay. What'd you get us?

The Amazing Daryl gives us two amazing top hats, a fake beard for beard competitions, a Mardi Gras mask to hang on our wall, and some other kind of wall mask! The Best Daryl!



Next time we'll get back to thwarting Morcubus! We'll need a couple of dispatch missions for the road, though, so let's have one last

Gonk caveman! Gonk need Nature agent to say THAT THING FOOD and Sports agent to hunt food. Or dig up food. Gonk not picky.

You can always check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.

In sharp contrast, Sam will be forming his own team to help our resident poopsocker. Because we super need more junior agents for the List. We haven't used Gordon yet, so he's probably going. Suggestions are always welcome!
Voting will remain open for approximately twenty-four hours!