Part 95: Ep. 65: Turkey-Onna-Fork

We open with Sam checking in with the dispatch team before they go.

oh god

er I meant good luck with the hunting you guys

Sam can't wear a three-piece suit to the beach. I consider the board shorts to be the comedy option. Let's go! We just need to run the Yuki gauntlet outside--

... er. Where's Yuki? She's not here.

Anyway! With the addition of the boardwalk, we've now unlocked all four stops on the train route. However, looking at the map makes Sam remember: he never did check in with Poppy. It'd be nice of him, right? After all, she's the one who got him into the mansion.


And then we get choices!

Oh, Skip.

WOOOOO doggies that's pretty risque for an E-rated game--oh, wait, they mean actual rodeos. Never mind. ... wait, wasn't Shirley dating Skip last we heard? DRAMA!

Sam goes to the park and checks in with Dogwood, but Poppy is not here. Wonder where she is? Maybe she's back in the forested area?

Nope. And Derek's not happy to see us, either. Maybe she went to Gino's for lunch?

Goddamn, that sounds pretty good, although it seems to contain neither coq nor vin.

Oh, Patrick. *laugh track*
Poppy's not here either! Buddy couldn't resist coming in for a slice, though. Maybe he's seen her?

There's no Buddy like our Buddy. Anyway, Sam leaves the pizzeria, and... there's Poppy!

... well, I guess Violet can fill her in later. We've messed around enough for now! (I'm sure we'll mess around more later!) To the beach with us!

It is a long way to the beach! However, the train eventually arrives.

The scene opens with a sad surfer dude sighing over a pile of broken surfboards.

Then cuts to a grumpy bandana'd dude on a busted pier, scowling down at some empty ropes.

Then to Sam, on the boardwalk, checking things out! There is so much to check out, but first:

The camera pans down the pier to these two girls, having a conversation.

The girl in yellow does not appreciate this argument.

Let us draw the curtain on this little drama.

We return to Sam. Wow, there is so much going on!

That's why Sam changed.

Buddy and Sam head down the boardwalk. Looks like the surfer dude from earlier needs our help! And... is that Yuki?

But before we can talk to her, we get a text message from a caveman. Look, I don't make these things up.

Yuki heads off. Let's talk to the turkey-on-a-fork guy, since we're here.

Yes, his name is Goth Boy. Ordinarily he is a mopey goth poet who wears lots of black buckled things and has multiple piercings. Inasmuch as this series has fans, he has a lot of them, mostly tweenaged girls. Surprise, surprise.

There's the muba stand, and... looks like the dude in the bandana needs our help, too!