The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 96: Interlude: Life In The Small City

But first!

Remember how Luis said that Mayor Skip was pre-emptively smearing the names of anyone who might potentially run against him in the next election, three years from now? Yeah, I'm thinking we can't be having with that. Let's go have a talk with Skip.

: Hello, Skip.

: Sam, let me run this by you!

: Er... OK, Skip.

... what

Well, you can't say Skip isn't invested in his job. Also, I note that he didn't say a word about Shirley, despite one of the other rumors being about how she'd been seen on the town with another man. We should definitely check in with Shirley, too. However, on the way to the salon Sam runs into Rhonda.

: How are you, Rhonda?

She mad.

: Poppy was telling me about Derek stealing her mail!

: Yeah, we've hopefully put a stop to that.

Sam says goodbye, keeping a safe distance, and heads into the salon.

: Hey, Shirley, how are you?

oh well I guess that's legit

Let's head down to the construction site and talk to Patrick!

: Hey Patrick, what's new?

: What?

: What? Who? Oh, Sam, I'm sorry. Gino has been putting out plates of marinated bacon lately... and I can't seem to focus on anything else.

Oh, those wacky shady construction workers. Still, that's everyone here. Wonder if there's anything new going on in the industrial district? Let's check in! It's on the way to the beach, after all!

Esma and Brandi are still here. That's... reassuring, in a way.

: Hey, Esma. How's the whole green industry thing going?

: What? Oh, Morcucorp is way beyond all that save-the-world stuff. We're more into conquer-the-world stuff these days. It suits me much better.

Bet it does. Brandi?

: Hey, Brandi. How's business?

You know what, I'm not comfortable with this. Let's head into the junkyard.

: Hey, Gabby. How's business?

: Hey, Barney. Did you get your boat working yet?

Everything's fine! Let's check in at the dance club, to make sure they're not letting in any miners.


: Hey, Zack. What's new?

: Oh, you know. Now that the music's back, I'm just trying to enjoy the moment. Wooo!

: Sapphire! How's it going?

: Hi, Makoto. What's new?

Aren't you supposed to be out hunting? (I'm pretty sure Makoto is the only one of our junior agents we can run into on the world map. Whoops.)

: Hey, DJ Candy! Need a hand with anything?

: Sure, we can always use more bodies on the dance floor! Wooo!

Awesome. Let's go check in with the good doctor--

The door is locked and no one is around to let us in. That's... disturbing.