Part 97: Ep. 66: Injustice? Maybe So
GrizzlyCow posted:
Tobor must be really mad about the "stealing body parts" thing. Hopefully he won't try anything funny.
Funny you should say that!

Last time on MySims Agents
: There's so much going on at the beach, pal! Like turkey-on-a-fork!

Justice ran the tattoo parlor on the boardwalk.

: Sorry, kid, no time for idle chat. My crab traps are missing!

: That's no good. Anything I can do?

He was also a heck of a guy.

: Yeah, I'll look into it.

: Right on, kid. Let me tell you what I know.

: Go ahead, Justice.

: I didn't know you kept crab traps!

: Yeah, crabcakes are pretty good.

: They're
the best! That's why I set up my own traps. I'm
addicted to fresh crab!!

: And no crab! Ya gotta help me, kid. Find out who stole my traps.
Justice heads back inside the tattoo parlor and Sam pulls out his notebook.

I should check out where the crab cages were attached.
After some thought, Sam adds:

There are a lot of people on the boardwalk. Maybe one of them knows about the missing crab traps?
First things first: let's go check out the scene of the crime. Sam heads for the western section of the beach, which is down these stairs--
--Dr. F?

: What's up, doc?
What? ... what?

: "Electronade?"

: My latest
breakthrough in the beverage sciences. I hook a
single lemon up to a car battery and shock the juice right out of it!

: Sounds... electrifying!

: ... and refreshing!
But on a more pertinent note:

: Wait... what?! Radiation?

: Why are there traces of nuclear fallout on the beach?!

: Is there any way I can find the source of this radiation?

: Find me some
scientific items and I will fashion you a
super detector! It will detect
anything! Or at least, radiation...
He hands over the list of necessary items. Hey, a super detector, that could be handy, right? Sam puts the list in his notebook.
Less said about that, the better.

: So, about those gadget parts...

: Yes?!

: What's an
auxiliary sensor?

: Simplicity itself! It is a redundant sensory drive built into the CPU of any sentient cybernetic automaton.
Oh no.

: What does that even mean?
Oh, Sam, no.

: What about the
megaphone speaker?

: The device needs a casing that amplifies resonating acoustics. One of the speakers from the boardwalk sign will do.
Sure! If it's useful, we'll steal it--that's Sam's motto.

: Where do I find an
atomic convertor?

: Hmm. That is a challenge, if you don't have your own mobile fission reactor. I left mine in my sock drawer!

: What if I don't own one, and don't want to rummage through your socks?

: With the abundance of radioactivity in the area, I'd hazard to guess there's a shipment of atomic equipment somewhere nearby.

: Thanks! That's all I need.
And we'll keep it in mind, but right now we're busy thinking about crab traps, not radiation.
Although I suppose TOBOR is right here...

: Might you have an
auxiliary sensor to spare?

: Oh, sure. Just gut the robot for parts! He won't feel anything...
Sam makes 'gimme' gestures until TOBOR rips something out of his head and hands it over.

: Thanks, TOBOR!
... oh dear
TOBOR is slumped unresponsive and smoking in front of us, but by golly Sam got that sensor!
But that can wait, dammit. Leaving the ruined husk of our favorite sarcastic robot behind, Sam heads towards the piers to do the job he originally came to do.

Are there any other clues near the ropes that once held Justice's crab traps?
Maybe so!

I think there's something buried beneath this sand pile.
Sam digs through the sand...
Gasp! Let's enter it into evidence!

Strange that a knife would be buried out here. There must be evidence nearby, in the sand perhaps, to show where it came from.
Maybe so!

Was this knife used the cut the ropes? Who does it belong to?
Maybe so!

Next time on MySims Agents
: Who left that knife in the sand? That's dangerous!
EA Render: Justice
Justice has the best tattoos.