Part 98: Ep. 67: Fresh Fish, Extra Gravy

Last time on MySims Agents
: A man called Justice asked Special Agent Sam to look into the little matter of some broken crab traps for him!
Sam's still brushing the sand off his hands when the caveman texts him again. Anyway. Wonder whose knife this is? Let's ask around!

: Hi, Taylor, is this your...

: Ooh! Is that a knife? How cute! I once had a pink knife that I used to cut ribbons for my stuffed animals! Wasn't that cute of me?

: Yes! Yes. Very cute. Thank you, Taylor.
On second thought, let's not ask around.
Returning to the scene of the crime--definitely not fleeing from the crazy cute girl--Sam pulls out the not-yet-super detector and scans around. He finds flipper prints. Dammit, Hopper! You're a loose frog-cannon! I'll have your badge!
The flipper tracks lead from the fishing pier to the boardwalk stairs, where we lose them. Sam asks the obvious question.
And gets his answer almost as soon as he puts his notebook away. Someone in flippers came down the stairs and entered the water near the sailboat, then came out again at the far pier, by the ruined traps, where we found the knife. Hmmmm.
Sounds like it's time to go talk to people on the boardwalk!
Hey, there's Yuki. Why not start there?

: Know anything about the missing crab traps?
Hey, who doesn't?

: Got it. So you didn't see anything suspicious?

: Nope. Yuki's been at her stand all day, renting "muba" things. Not even a face bite today!

: Have you rented swim fins to anyone recently?
... uh oh.

: Chef Watanabe? Did he happen to say what he wanted them for? Or where he was going with them?

: Sushi chef wanted "muba" things for swimming in the water. He went downstairs toward the boats!
Yuki facebites off and Sam writes this information down.

Yuki says that Chef Watanabe was headed straight for the traps with snorkeling equipment!
Sounds like we need to talk to the chef! But we'll walk past Goth Boy on the way...

: What are your thoughts on the missing traps?

: But there's no customers in sight. What will it take to get your help?

: You could buy a turkey-on-a-fork. It's
turkey. On a
fork. I'm required to ask if you want extra gravy.
Sam beams.

: Who
wouldn't want extra gravy?
Sam chows down on his turkey leg, for the moment quite content.

: That's it? What does that have to go with the missing crab traps?

: Well, he has a new special: super jumbo
crab meat roll. You do the math.
Aw, Sam hates math. But he pulls out his notebook and does some anyway.

Hmm... Watanabe would need a lot of crab for those "super jumbo" rolls!
This is looking promisingly bad. Let's go talk to the man himself.

: A sushi stand on the beach?
Best hat? Best hat.

: I see. Smart plan!
Also, it gives him... a motive. Dun dun dun!

: Know anything about missing crab traps, Chef?

: No! Why should I?

: No reason. Any idea who would want to take them?

: Hai! That girl,
Clara. She thinks it's "cruelty to animals" to make sushi! Does she not realize it's delicious?
Hm! Also... a motive! Dun, etc.
dude, surfer guy, it's called 'personal space'

: Chef, do you happen to be missing a knife?

: Ah, yes. My best blade is gone. It could cut through driftwood as easy as spicy tuna.

: I found this knife on the beach. Perhaps it's the one you
Sam holds up the knife.
ooh, he mad
Chef Watanabe turns to help a customer, leaving Sam to his thoughts.

Watanabe says he has no use for crab cages, but his knife was at the scene of the crime!
We seem to be closing in on a suspect! While we're here, let's go into the tattoo shop and see if Justice has any ideas.
The game's conceit is that the tattoos are temporary, of course.

: Any idea about who would want to take your crab traps, Justice?

: Well, I have some suspicions. Like that girl, Clara, and that sushi chef...

: Why do you think it was Clara?

: ... because I caught her the other day trying to free one of my crabs. Said it was "mean" to trap them.

: Do you think she tried again?

: I scolded her pretty good when I caught her the first time. I'd be surprised if she tried again, but you never know...

: What about Chef Watanabe?

: Well, his business is raw fish, and crab meat
is the most delicious food ever. Maybe he got tempted...

: Do you have any proof that the chef did it?

: Well, I didn't actually see him
do anything. But, I installed a camera on the roof of my tattoo parlor; maybe it caught him in the act.
However, that sounds like work. Let's go see what Clara has to say for herself first.

: Enjoying the weather?
... nothing much, apparently.

Next time on MySims Agents
: Who broke into Justice's crab traps? Was it Chef Watanabe? Or Clara? Or... was it someone else?
Concept Art: Goth Boy (In Turkey-On-A-Fork Uniform)
- by
Genevieve Tsai