Part 99: Ep. 68: It's A Megaphone, It's A Robot Ear

We could get up on the roof of the tattoo parlor and check out the security camera. Or we could go beachcombing. Let's... do that, actually. Also we could check in with Buddy!

Yeah, maybe Buddy has one!

... uh, yeah... yeah, it does. ... 'scuse us, Buddy, Sam gotta go see a man about an atomic dog.

They're setting up for some kind of motorcycle stunt show in the parking lot! Good thing we didn't try to fly the jet here. Sam heads back into this corner, where he has already done some looting.


Hm. If we climb up on the rooftops we can look for Justice's security cam and steal a loudspeaker from the boardwalk sign.

Sam starts by jumping on the muba stand's counter, then from there to the potted palm, and from the potted palm to the roof of the muba stand.

From there, it's easy to jump over to the tattoo parlor's roof, climb up on this handy box, and check out the security camera at the peak of the false front. We also get a pretty good view of the west half of the area!

But hacking is like work. So, first we're going to scramble across the roof of the sushi stand and steal this loudspeaker.

You bet.

But first!

We're going to walk across the boardwalk sign to the roof of the surf shop and open the chest that's hidden behind the sign! We get some rad surfin' tunes and also some more nonspecific paints.

And then we're going to jump down and go talk to Dr. F because NEW TOOL NEW TOOL NEW TOOL

We fade to black, and when we come back up, Dr. F is just getting started.

He jams those parts together and wields a screwdriver at them, and with an almighty fiery POOF:

Super Detector is born!

Sam tucks his new tool away--you can see it in our tool wheel, at the top--and updates his notes. I don't know why the game is so intent on making us track the radiation, though. We're after crab traps!

Also, after helping a caveman hunt for food via text message. Sam tells Gonk to check in the cave. They may have gone to the water, but they'll always go back to the cave.

Sam heads back up to the boardwalk and jumps back up to the tattoo parlor. Security cam time!

The hacking is getting pretty complicated. If Sam goes the 'wrong' way he can still recover, but he has to go the long way around and may run out of time.

Hacking successful! Sam calls up the appropriate footage. The security camera turns to cover an area from the west side of the boardwalk--

--to the long fishing pier in the center of the beach. No sign of Chef Watanabe.

When the camera turns back, though, there's Yuki, trotting along. She pauses at the intersection, looks around--

--then walks around behind the surf shop, out of sight.

Sam seems to think this is important. I'm not so sure. That's the way to the train station, among other things. Still, Yuki does work for Morcucorp... let's go ask her about it.

Yuki gasps, then recovers her poise.

Yuki giggles.

Wow. Illuminating.

Sam pulls out his notebook and jots that down, to remind himself to do horrible things to the phone booth later. Meanwhile, Yuki attempts to intimidate Sam by putting on a mask and going "rar". Or maybe she's just playing. Who knows?


Concept Art: Goth Boy (Alternate Turkey-On-A-Fork Uniform)
- by Genevieve Tsai
Sadly, they did not choose to run with this concept. The world is a slightly poorer place for it.