Part 102: Second Time Around: Spookane, Part 1
Second Time Around: Spookane, Part 1

Them's awfully big words for a game aimed at eight-year-olds.

Anyway, Goth Boy wants a bigger, spookier house.

Sam complies, mostly with columns, fencing, and some mild hedging.

... sure.

Let's see. Move the sarcophagus so that we can put down a dining table, add stone gargoyle fireplace, and, uh, some Blue Ribbons. That's fun, right? People can be comfortable here, right?

Also, pirate skulls.

And some pink paint to hold everything together. Perfect.

Cripes. I realize you had a minor revelation earlier, Goth Boy, but this cheeriness is kind of beyond the pale. Actually, it's... pretty creepy! Good job!



That seems logical...

... as does that. So let's...

... stare at the requirements for a few minutes before shutting down the game and going to take some aspirin.

Okay, fine. You want 150 Paint and 100 Cute? First, Sam completely levels the castle ruins.

Once everything has been leveled off, Sam fills the space with platforms.

The platforms are then painted in the cutest possible shade of Cow.

A single bucket of flowers is placed in one corner.

There. It's fuckin' adorable.


seriously, that's creepy, quit it

Yes. Yes, I can. Let's, uh, discuss not biting me.

I can see how you might be skeptical, so... hey! Spooky stuff!


Since I'm not actually trying to frighten her--I suspect Yuki bites when frightened--let's discuss dark colors.

... cookie? You can bite that!

If we do a Morcubus impression and laugh evilly:

Awww, I'm sorry.

Here's a shiny thing! Shiny things make her feel friendly towards Sam again, so let's do an impression of Buddy instead.

Sam salutes! Yuki giggles! We win!

We win forever!!

... okay, not forever.

So when you say 'weird'--

--right, then!