The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 12: Harboring Fugitives

The camera sweeps down the short dock.

: Sure, Buddy, it's great if you want to live alone, but it's a nightmare when you want to entertain guests. Plus, there's nowhere for me to plug in my new toaster oven. How am I s'posed to make pizza bagels?

Barney turns to Sam.

: Sam, I'm having some friends over tonight and I promised them pizza bagels. Can you help me out?

Man, someone was confident in his ability to take second place.

: Lyndsay, I think you might be able to use this to help him.

Lyndsay unrolls the new scroll.

Heck yes! To unlock this scroll's sweet, sweet house powers, we need Wood and Bronze. Huh. Sam runs back to the mining wall right quick and hews out some more chocolate bars, then returns to Lyndsay.

: Wow! Let's see what you can build now...

And we unlock... hoo boy. Barney's House Paints, the Medium Base Block, the Peasant Chimney, the Peasant Dormer, Peasant Windows in two sizes--I am sensing a theme here--the Porch Roof, the Peasant Door, the Peasant Roof, and two sizes of Bush, Tall and Short. I... think now is when I'm going to stop screencapping everything we unlock. This is a decision I will not regret making!



Marlon ignores Buddy entirely.

: Sam, you can find Mana almost anywhere as you explore the kingdom. However... if you ever need more, just turn to Lyndsay!

: Me?! What can I do, Marlon?

: You can place extra Essences in the Magic Bag and transmute them into Mana for Sam!

Marlon beams at Sam.

: Just approach Lyndsay anytime and choose to Transmute when you want some extra Mana! Okay, I promise not to interfere any further. This is YOUR quest, Sam!

And away he goes. Everyone turns back to Barney--


Let's build us a house. Note: we finally learn about doors.

Doop de doo!

There! Nice house. Many windows. So bushes. Wow.

... anyway, let's paint the house while we're at it.

Ooooh, gold.

Note that we can paint these little windowsills. Most things that we can build consist of lots of little parts that can be painted independently, should Sam want to.

See, Sam painted the windowsills gold and the shutters a nice shade of royal blue. Blue goes with gold, right? Sam's wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants, so it's got to be okay!

Hooray, he likes it! As a reward, Barney spews Mana everywhere.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Another day, another Scroll, another silly minigame!