The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 98: So Cute I May Barf (Endless Summer Remix)

It didn't have to be that way, though.

Everything starts off the same.

: You know, I've really had a lot of fun getting to know you since school started...

: Yes?

: Good. I'd like to dance with you, too.

And so, they do.

On the sidelines, Liberty sighs.

: (Well, I guess now we know how Travis really feels.)

: (At least he looks happy. Actually, it's just nice to see him looking at anything other than his phone!)

This thought makes Liberty giggle.

: Our King this year is Chaz McFreely!

Chaz is stoked.

: Yes! You hear that, Travis? I'm the King! I'm the King, baby!

Everybody but Chaz cheers for Queen Liberty!

: Nice! Way to go, Lib!

: HOORAY! You totally deserve it!

The new King and Queen step onto the dance floor.


: Alright, then.

Now that Chaz has been told, the dancing begins again.

And, aside from one judicious substitution of partners, everything plays out the same from there.


Video: The Big Dance (Endless Summer Remix)
Ha ha, Chaz!