Part 3: The Warrior
The WarriorConfession time- I took it down a notch for this level. This level is pretty much broken- theres a part at the end that isnt survivable on anything above Normal difficulty as far as I can tell. I couldnt even find another LP of the level on any higher difficulty either. If my suckiness makes you want to turn this off, I cant blame you.
Let's Play! Myth 2: Chimera 02- The Warrior | YouTube |
So with that, we escape the cursed forrest. And surprise, we picked up some new allies- firBolg! I spent a lot of time wondering if they were re-skinned human archers, or a modified unit. Im pretty sure theyre just re-skinned human archers with new specialty arrow that temporarily freeze an enemy.
Let's look at the scoreboard:
Kills Over Time
Total Kills by Unit
I upped the journeymans kills to reflect that fact that I killed more spiders in Normal difficulty. Ive also put Fenris kills under warrior because he are one.