Part 76: Act Three Chapter Twelve - Sons Of Gith, Daughters Of Zerthimon

Forging the Silver Sword is the 92% block for the Keep. We're close to the end.
There's still one more character we have yet to examine, though.

The voice direction for Zhjaeve's conversation says that "kalacha-cha" is to be voiced like it was a title.
Literally, the phrase means "shard-bearer," but what's interesting is that the comments also say "say it as though it were 'betrayer'" - a funny choice considering KOTOR2 and NWN2's expansion pack, Mask of the Betrayer.

Kinda wish Zhjaeve appeared in the expansion pack now, weirdly enough.

Zhjaeve isn't a very convincing character. Like Ammon she's a plot facilitator - we're gonna need her in a minute to reforge the Silver Sword - but unlike Ammon there's not much else to her. Half of her dialogue is a re-explanation of the game's plot (the Ritual, the shards, etc).
The other half is all the lore that Chris Avellone could find on the githzerai and githyanki, which isn't a huge amount. Most of it is cribbed from Black Isle's Planescape: Torment, which isn't a bad thing but I want you all to know where we're coming from here.

* * *

We return to Arvahn to access the Song Portal - that'll take us to West Harbor while circumventing the life-draining shadow barrier.

This is nothing new. This is basic D&D lore.

Now this you've probably never seen before, unless you were cheating.
I said a long time ago that NWN2 used to use a different Influence scale - 0 to 100 - and that some conversation options were never updated to the new, smaller scale.
This is one of them. You need 40 Influence to unlock this passage.
For reference, you can barely get 4 Influence with Zhjaeve, never mind 40.
The strange thing is that the check after this one only requires 10.

Ah, mind flayers. Mind flayers are cool and total bastards. Brain-eating psychic octopus-headed schemers... what's not to like?

Ha. Your honourable Klingon schtick is all well and good but your people still lost to these cowardly ignorant brainsuckers.

All right I'm gonna shut up for once and let you read this massive wall of text coming up
here it comes

* * *
I'll admit now that I probably could have told you all just to play Planescape: Torment instead of reading all that. Perhaps you'd like to do it now?
Don't worry, I'll wait.
The basic outline is straight out of the githyanki/githzerai entries in the Monster Manual. The detail, however, is the invention of Black Isle. The githzerai Stoicism and names of heroes and Pronouncements... those are all made up.
There are some changes. My 2nd Edition Monster Manual (the most recent version I have that has reference to the gith races) talks about the githzerai being ruled by a mighty wizard-king; the Zerthimon cult is an underground phenomenon that is brutally suppressed for its millenialist tendencies. Zerthimon is more like a Jesus-figure who died fighting Gith but will one day return to lead the githzerai to eternal life. The githzerai are also all listed as Chaotic Neutral, while Obsidian prefers to portray them as Lawful Neutral types. A big change is that the githzerai were relatively human compared to the githyanki, both in D&D and PS:T; in NWN2 Zhjaeve looks a lot more like the githyanki than she does you or me. Obsidian's version of the githzerai has them as a relatively open and friendly race, while original lore suggests they are more enigmatic and reclusive.
Regardless, it's good stuff and I'm glad Obsidian brought their version back for NWN2. There's an extra level there that you don't normally get in fantasy backstory-padding. I don't think anyone would be surprised if I said that quite a few of Black Isle's developers had degrees in the liberal arts: History, Philosophy, English Lit.
It is better in Torment though, probably because there's no voice-acting limitations. Dak'kon, the githzerai companion in that game, has more room to talk and so can cover a broader variety of topics: not just his race's history, but also karach blades, his native language, the Unbroken Circle, and of course his own personal character development.

Here's a picture of Zhjaeve I forgot to post during her introductory update.
She looks a lot better, doesn't she? Perhaps it's just the craftsmanship of an artist against the cold rendering of a machine, but I think there's more to it: she appears more feminine and more attractive (shut up); the veil adds mystique rather than obscuring detail. She seems more trustworthy, somehow - and more human.
It's funny how she shares a role with Elanee, overshadowing her towards the end, and yet neither show well in NWN2 - but for different reasons. Elanee's creepy and obsessive, but Zhjaeve is just boring. And maybe a little obsessive too.
She's not particularly well written. Note that we've had a potted history of the gith races but I still couldn't tell you what city Zhjaeve's from or what hobbies she has. There literally isn't anything more to her than plot and backstory.
That may be what Obsidian was aiming for (hence the veil) but it makes her extremely unlikeable. Even something as simple as an alien speech pattern would turn her into something less one-dimensional.
Githzerai in PS:T would often speak in metaphor, a bit like that Darmok episode of Star Trek. So to speak of "Vilquar's Eye" is to refer to the myth of Vilquar the traitor, who betrayed Zerthimon to the illithids for short-term gain and ended up being eaten by his masters for his efforts; to say someone has Vilquar's Eye is to suggest they are greedy, treacherous and unwise.
Slipping in one or two phrases like that into Zhjaeve's dialogue would have livened it up considerably, even if it is cliched ("By Grabthar's Hammer!")
It doesn't matter, not any more. We've officially 'done' our companions and can move on with the plot.
* * *

The Song Portal is still active from the last time we visited Arvahn.

This time it dumps us inside the swamp ruins, by the Statue - as intended.
Unfortunately this time around we want to go out to West Harbor.

* * *

West Harbor (destroyed) Theme
Gravesite is an apt description.
Act 2 implied that Ammon Jerro destroyed West Harbor - back when he was supposed to be the King of Shadows. That wasn't what was originally planned.
: Have you noticed anything strange in the village recently?
: Strange dreams, and little else. Why?
: I'm not sure. I have an odd feeling something took place here - it feels different.
: {Slight reservation} Perhaps. If something did occur here, it left little physical trace. But perhaps someone saw something I did not.
: We encountered demons and shadows in the ruins near the village. Did you see anyone going there or going from there?
: Demons and shadows? {Beat} If they walk, then we are in more danger than I thought... it seems the war will soon be upon us.
: It is impressive you were able to walk away from such an encounter with no scars. You have truly come into your own since leaving the village.
: Have you noticed anything strange in the village recently?
: {Thinking} No more attacks, that is for certain. {Beat, trails off as if remembering something }Things have been quiet... but there has been a strange... feeling in the air.
: What do you mean?
: {Tarmas' usually has a troubled sleep, but not the other night, which is weird} Well, I noticed it the other night. I... have some difficulty sleeping, but not the other night - and while I slept, my dreams were troubled.
: There was the smell of fire, and ash... and when I awoke, it was as if I could almost hear swords clashing, but as if from a great distance.
: And this just happened recently?
: Yes, it is almost as if something passed through the village... and left a faint trace behind.
: We encountered demons and shadows in the ruins near the village. Did you see anyone going there or going from there?
: {Interested} Indeed? Perhaps that would have been related to some of the strange events taking place in the village in the past few days.
: After you passed through here, I spoke to some of the others, and they cited some strange events as well.
: Like what?
: Some of the outlying crops withered, and although there was no signs of a fire, the tips of the harvest were burned, as if a flame had passed too close to them.
: And the children mentioned that the scar within the village... any animal that passes through there, whether rat, or bird... simply dies.
: There is something stirring in the Mere, and something came to the village because of it.
: {Sighs} I have no idea how the two are related, but if you encountered demons near West Harbor, then what we have seen may have much to do with their presence.
There's a whole bunch of these conversations for the villagers of West Harbor that were never used. The timeline appears to be a bit off: there's two dialogues, one for after Ammon Jerro has appeared, one for after you've fought the Shadow Reaver. It's the same with everyone... a few nights ago the entire village fell into a deep slumber, waking to find only the traces of fiends left to show what had happened.
It's possible the trek to the last Ritual Statue was more involved - perhaps a retread of the original swamp ruins we visited early in the game, but this time filled with shadows and demons. And afterwards you'd be able to go back to West Harbor and talk it over with the villagers; presumably the village would be wiped out during the Act 2/3 transition, along with Fort Locke.
Anyway, you never see these because as it is the village is destroyed as soon as you trigger the last part of the Ritual quest. Just remember that it was the King of Shadows that did it, not Ammon Jerro.

So. knowing what we do now, spot the deliberate mistake.

And the Mossfelds turn into shadows. If we didn't have so much Intelligence, we'd have been lured into a nasty trap.

The river is toxic and causes ability drain. Characters with Craft skills could build a bridge out of the timbers scattered around the village, but we don't have the knowledge to lay planks of wood across a small gap

Another trick?

Hmm. It would appear Danan's a legitimate survivor.
I mean a legitimate victim.
I mean he's not undead.
Fuck, you know what I mean.

A pack of shadows interrupt us before we can get any information out of Danan.

We find him later 'round behind one of the ruined homesteads.

It's not a good idea to waste your best spells on these lowly shadows, since the ruins of West Harbor are one of the few areas in the game that you cannot rest in.
We're gonna need those Level 9 spells very soon.

We lay Danan to rest...

...and as he vanishes, he gives us a talisman that cures us of our statistics drain.
All right, on with the show.

It's done. The Sword of Gith is reforged.
This is official Hero territory now. The Sword is the symbol of our power and righteousness; the ruins of West Harbor our humble origins, which we have now shed. And Zhjaeve's our Mother, as I believe we have already discussed.
Which means she's also our Campbellian Goddess-figure. Couldn't we have had Princess Leia instead?

Ah crap.

This is a tougher fight than the one we had a couple of updates ago. We're surrounded on all sides, with a good mix of enemies (shadows, fire elementals and two Blade Golems), and the Shadow Reaver is a lot more likely to cast high-level spells.

It's best to eliminate the footsoldiers before beginning the recitation of the True Name; you'll need Zhjaeve's spells to escape the ambush alive. A well-deployed Mass Heal can not only restore your party to full health, but also kill all of the shadows attacking the party instantaneously.

You Have Been Warned.
* * *

Check this shiny new artifact we're wielding. You know you've hit the big time when you're holding an ancient relic of the Planes themselves!
This sword is rumored to have been forged by Zerthimon for Gith, before their separation into two races: the githzerai and the githyanki. Gith used this blade to free all gith-kind from their ages-long enslavement by the illithids. The sword was rumored to have been lost in the Nine Hells when Gith ventured there to seek an alliance with the red dragons and never returned. The sword ended up in the hands of Ammon Jerro, who used it to smite the King of Shadows in a devastating battle that sundered the sword into dozens of shards. The sword has now been reformed, though several pieces are still missing. The parts of the sword that are still incomplete display a ghostly outline.
This sword has acquired a new master and has tailored its powers to complement its owner in a powerful bond. The heart of the blade now resides within the Shard-Bearer, who serves as the binding force that holds the weapon together. This intimate connection confers the unique ability to manipulate each individual shard by strength of will alone.
There are three powers: Blade Storm, Shard Barrier and Shard Hail.
- Blade Storm sends the sword flying through the air to a destination. Targets struck along the way will suffer 6d6 damage and may be knocked down for a round. Alternatively you can target one single creature and rain multiple 1d6 blows down upon it.
- Shard Barrier creates a shield of shards around the Shard-Bearer for 5 rounds, damaging all enemies that enter for 3d6 damage every 3 seconds and potentially causing Blindness, Deafness and Slow.
- Shard Hail attacks a single enemy with a rain of shards. Each shard (of eight) that hits does 1d3+1 damage.
Blade Storm and Shard Barrier cost charges; there are three charges, which can be replenished by meditating with the Sword in a safe place (so basically on rest). Shard Hail does not require charges to be used. Using these special abilities negates the Silver Sword's base damage, which is why you can Reform the blade at any time, turning it back into a weapon.
The other bonuses of the Silver Sword depend on class. As a Rogue, we get:
Enhancement +3
Alchemical Silver
Damage Bonus vs Outsider +1d12
Damage Bonus: Magical +1d4
Strength +1
Dexterity +4
Constitution +1
Intelligence +1
Wisdom +1
Charisma +1
Freedom of Movement
Wounding DC18
Acid Resistance 5
Cold Resistance 5
Electrical Resistance 5
Fire Resistance 5
Hide +5
Move Silently +5
All in all... it's pretty underwhelming. We're better off with our custom-crafted weapons. Hell, we'd be better off with the crummy daggers we found as loot during the campaign. Most of the bonuses are very small (elemental resistance? may be handy if someone casts Burning Hands or something) and/or redundant (stat bonuses don't stack, so that +4 Dexterity's completely useless). The special abilities are interesting but often do less damage than just attacking normally. Add that it's a Universal Sword so none of our feats use it and it's very disappointing.
The good news is that it's apparently quite strong if you're a Fighter. Suddenly it's a +5 Sword of +4 Strength +3 Constitution Keen Bonus Piercing +5 Bonus Bludgeoning +5 along with everything else... not too shabby. Unfortunately that doesn't help us, the Rogue/Invisible Blade/Assassin.
(Sadly I'm not 100% certain on what classes get what because it's hard-coded into the engine so I can't get a look-in (without massive effort) and no one in the community has thought to compile a reference for all the different kinds of Silver Sword.)
Ultimately it's best to think of it as a particularly nifty plot item. We're only going to use it once, but it'll be at the most important moment in our entire lives.
And it has lots of pretty animations. That's kinda cool.