Part 10: Episode IX: Learning the Ropes
Episode IX: Learning the Ropes
New Music: Peaceful Sleep (Vocal) (You should listen to this. The vocals only come in once we finish speaking to Anemone.)

Yeah, yeah... Well get right on top of that, Ranunculaceae Flower. Whats going on with your desk here? Lets see... vague landmass maps. Cant quite make those out... Machine lifeform concept art... smart. Hammer, wrench, technical documents, bulky future tablets. And oh... its good to see AK variants have survived 10,000 years into the future and are still in use.
As Anemone suggested, we ought to go speak with a few key NPCs in the Resistance Camp. Indeed, we cannot hit the next plot beat until we do so. However, theres something far more pressing just to the left of Anemones work station...
...Jukebox jams.

The music enthusiast android forks over the first of five Sound Data files. This allows us to listen to tunes in the Jukebox here. Its just the tracks from the prologue mission up to exactly this point. The Jukebox is actually fairly robust with what it will play. You can pick from a track, which variation of it there is (Quiet, Upbeat, Battle, etc.) and whether or not to play the vocal layer if applicable.
2B can also take a seat on a nearby bench if she wants to chill out for a bit. The war against the machines has been going for longer than recorded human history at this point. It can wait a few more minutes.
But, alas... We must get back on track. Red arrows herald new legs of this quest to get acquainted with the locals. Lets start with the Weapon Trader.

Guess what this mission really is about? If you guessed sidequest tutorial then ding-ding-ding! We have a winner...

And so we have our very first of many sidequests in NieR: Automata. If we want to get the Resistance Camps weapon merchant up and running, we need to go harvest four Complex Gadgets from the gritty noir reboot of Inspector Gadget. Or at least, a few blocks away in the City Ruins.
Any active sidequests are kept track of in the Quests tab of our menu screen alongside a handy blurb reminding us who gave us the quest and why. These first couple of sidequests are all but mandatory given how easy they are to complete and the benefits they unlock. But for reasons Ill get to shortly, were going to be shelving most sidequests early on until a more appropriate time.
While were browsing the menu screen again, how about we have a little bit of fun. Since we are dealing with the weapons trader, I reckon we ought to get to business with an old tradition with this series. Lets take a closer look at our weapons... or should I say weapon.
2B only has her default small sword, Virtuous Contract. Virtuous Treaty, her accompanying large sword in the prologue, was lost when 2B blew herself up. Dont worry, well get it again later. Weapon upgrading is back once more, like the rest of the Drakenier series. Its still four levels of upgrade to max. This time around, weapons gain special attributes alongside their stat (and combo) increase.
For instance, Virtuous Contract gains an Attack Speed increase while equipped and upgraded to Level 2 onward. At max level, weapons receive a secondary special attribute. Some of which are unique to the weapon. In this ones case, it gains Holy Blessing which will increase 2Bs attack power if shes at max HP. Not bad... Honestly, this sword can carry 2B through the game. Its quite good for a default weapon.
But the real reason we want to upgrade our assorted weapons is Weapon Histories. If youve never played any of the previous games in this series, every weapon in the game has a short story to go along with them. The range from silly little tales, to gruesome crude edgy messes, to the most metal shit around. Lemme tell you about the time a guy hacked off his own leg, carved a dagger out of his bones, and shanked a guy. NieR: Automata is no different with its weapon histories. And BOY have they gotten the most brutal theyve been since the original Drakengard. So thatll be a treat to look forward to. Additionally, all weapons now have a little mural to go along with their weapon stories. Some are completely unique to a particular weapon. This one is not... But its story is. Lets take a look...
How long can I fight amidst this bloody vortex of a battlefield? How long, I wonder?
How long can I continue to protect what I love amidst this endless war? How long, I wonder?
How long can I continue to believe in a world laden with deceit and folly? How long, I wonder?
How long can I lie to myself as I despair at the dark future of this world? How long, I wonder?
But please, tell us how you really feel, 2B... Ill be providing the full weapon stories as soon as we obtain a new weapon. Otherwise its just going to be a giant infodump of 30 weapon tales at once because hell if Im upgrading more than one or two weapons to max until necessary. On that note, NieR: Automata does break from tradition. Unlike Drakengard 1, 3 and NIER, the final ending is NOT gated behind collecting all the weapons in the game. The story can fully be completed by just running around with 2Bs default sword and her fists, if you wanted. On the other hand... there is post-game story content that IS gated around collecting all weapons... And upgrading every single one to max level... So... frick!
At least its not replaying the entirety of Drakengard 2 two more times for just a single ending each. That LP was a mistake... But whats not a mistake is moving on to the other merchant in the area!

The Supply Trader possesses much of the same goods as the Bunkers terminals. However, there are a couple new key items. The most important of which is the Sachet. This is caked in presumably moose urine and will prevent beasts from immediately fleeing from 2B when she's in their vicinity. That doesnt mean they wont get hostile and attack her. They just wont be as instantly squirrelly. Im going to go ahead and purchase that since its a permanent upgrade.
Animal Bait can be used in tandem with a Sachet in order to secure an animal to ride. The bait has to be tossed down and the moose has to start chowing on it before it becomes docile and allows 2B to hop onboard. This is all a lot easier method than having to battle a Doom Boar by hanging out on a rock for ten minutes lobbing magic during a side quest. Amazing what technological feats 10,000 years will bring.

And now we have our second (not actually optional) sidequest. A small gear and a broken key and circuit. You think hed refuse a fully intact key? What about a pristine circuit? Course not. Those are separate drops, idiot.
One big improvement over the original NieR, at least for these kinds of sidequests, is that the location we need to go farm materials is marked on the map. And the quest spawns enemies at that location with a guaranteed drop of everything we need. Just gotta go there and beat the materials out of the trash can robot piñatas holding em. Its certainly better than I dunno, go grind the Junk Heap for two hours of days of yore.
The third on the list of NPCs weve been sent to chat up is this oddball who had a Machine Lifeform Helm drop and DAMMIT, shes gonna wear it! Whats your deal, lady?

Strange Resistance Woman doesnt give the first shit about your 4th wall and is here to explain some business bluntly. Lets just go down the line seeing what she has to say. We were directed to do so, after all.
> How do I save?

They say if you forget to auto-save, lose a significant portion of progress and bitch about it on the internet, Strange Resistance Woman will come to your house and cave your head in with a brick. Nobody knows what the brick has to do with auto-saving. But youve been warned.
> Whats an access point?

Yeah... so most of the save points are derelict vending machines. Well go hunt them down at a later date.
> What should I do if I die?

Heres a taste of the single worst design decision in the game. You know Dark Souls? You know the whole body retrieval mechanic from that game? They kinda went for that in NieR: Automata just... in the shittiest way possible. Imagine if you died in Dark Souls, instead of losing all your souls/currency, an entirely disposable resource, you lost all of your armor you were wearing. And when you respawned you were a naked beef jerky man and had to do a corpse run to retrieve it. And if you died whoops! That armor is gone forever! Thats sort of what this game does and its terrible.
There are more functions to the whole corpse system. But well cross that bridge another time.
> Where should I go now?

Yeah, Justin...
> I feel motion sick...

> This game is too difficult!

Im good. Thanks for your time, weird tutorial lady. We may come back later in the game to speak to this woman. She has a very special function late game.
As the Strange Woman mentioned, weve got to manually activate these terminals to save our game in the area and also get a more detailed overworld map. Its possible to teleport back to the Bunker from JUST this terminal, early in the game. Fast travel will eventually unlock between all save points. We... do need to burn through about the first third of the main plot to get to that point.
Imagine Im making direct eye-contact right now. Listen to my words:
Trust me on this one. You can thank me later.

So those were the three NPCs we are directed to chat with here. In order to progress, we do have to go complete those sidequests first. But well get to that in due time.
Theres not much of note going on with the androids around the camp. Some are stoked YoRHa is here since theyre badasses. A few give some general directions and whatnot.
Its worth mentioning that yep... the planet is still kinda broken. Theres still no day-night cycle. At best itll be something approaching twilight. The sun still isnt up there either. Theres a really bright point in the sky but there aint any glowing orb behind it. And theres still no rain or any weather more threatening than somewhat overcast cloud cover. These were all elements from the original game that were all due to magic having REALLY fucked up this planet
Strangely, this tour of the camp omits what is probably the single most important merchant in the game. So lets take one more mercantile pit stop.

This is the maintenance shop. This merchant is solely responsible for a LOAD of upgrades. That item trader? Theres like a half dozen of him. Weapon shop guy? Two other bozos can do his job. NOBODY has the same function as this merchant. Which makes it really weird shes not even pointed out as someone worth chatting with during this whirlwind tour of the camp.
Much like the Strange Woman, MSO has a variety of topics shell illuminate us on. Lets just be thorough and get it all out of the way in one update, eh?
> Android Bodies

No, were good. Since we dont have any chips. Also, its really not recommended to let the game auto-equip chips. They tend to stick on stupid shit you cannot even use yet.
> Upgrading Pods

Ugh... The former option here...
> Acquiring Additional Pods

Hey. Heres a hint: Theres two additional pods we can get. Theyre in the desert and by the sea. Spoiler: Theres an area in the desert and one by the sea. They are, in fact, there.

> Weapons

> Motion Sickness

Yeah, go turn both axis to inverted like historys greatest monster. Thatll make the sickness go away.
That was a lot of jabbering. As I mentioned, this merchant has a lot of unique functions that only she will perform. For instance...
This is where we purchase like... half of the Pod Programs available in the game. Were not going to buy any of em anytime soon because, well, theyre not very good. Most of the Pod Programs are analogs to abilities from the original NIER. For instance, Mirage above is just straight up Dark Phantasm from the first game. A big sphere grows when activated and anyone within gets owned by a
R030: Hammer Summons a mass of energy that unleashed a devastating blow upon its target. (Its Dark Fist. Instead of a giant rad fist its a big digital hammer. Its way too damn slow to be worth a damn.)
R040: Blade Spins a Pod around the player at high speed, wreaking havoc on any enemies it touches. (Dark Whirlwind. Its yellow now. Its effective but boring.)
R050: Spear Produces a mass of energy that spouts from the ground in the shape of deadly spears. (Copy and pasted Dark Execution. Kind of random. I never used it.)
A060: P Shield Deploys a protective barrier that blocks melee attacks. (You have a ridiculously OP dodge ability. Why are you face tanking attacks?)
R070: M Shield Deploys a protective barrier that blocks projectile attacks. (Same but magic orbs. This one at least blocks the dark purple ones.)
Really, like one of those attacks is worth a damn (Its Dark Mirage.) But enough of that. The actual extremely important function of this character is expanding the total chips slot for 2B. The importance of this will make a lot more sense when we look at chips in a minute.
This merchant is also the only place to upgrade our Pod (and any future Pods.) You see this? You see this screen right here? Those materials on the left. This is the single biggest grind in the entire game. Getting all the weapons to fully upgraded? Not a big deal. Late game merchants sell literally every upgrade material necessary. It just costs a fortune. But Pod upgrade components? Shit outta luck there, buddy. It is all non-guaranteed harvest points and random drops for more than one of the most necessary components. Pure Water is this games Eagle Eggs.
To put it in perspective, by the time I hit all of the story endings I had upgraded one of the three Pods exactly once. And that was while doing all but maybe ten side quests. By the time I had done all side quests? Still only one. The time I upgraded every single weapon to max? You know it, baby. Just one! Upgrading all Pods to max was the second to last achievement I accomplished in this. It sucks! And the upgrades? Next to worthless. A Level 2 Pod gets a charge shot and does like 3% more damage with its shots.
Fusing we cannot do right now because we have no chips. Well come back to that one. Its probably the most poorly explained mechanic due to the fact it straight up does not have a tutorial.

Lets save our game real quick and take a brief look at the Plug-in Chip system. Chips are plug and play abilities that will buff 2B or add special abilities. These range from attack boosts to increased item drops to shooting sonic booms when you do physical attacks and all manner of junk in-between. Getting a handle on the Plug-in Chips is the easiest way to break this game over your knee.
We can make three different chip loadouts that can be swapped in the menu. For instance, if we wanted a special set-up that was all speed boosts for say, theoretically a really shit race side quest against a total fucker... We could make that our Set Type C loadout so as not to interfere with our main rolling around set-up.
The chips themselves are divided into different categories. Theyre all fairly self-explanatory. Support is usually the more unique of abilities. Chips themselves take a certain number of slots. Right now 2B only has 40 slots to work with and 20 are already occupied by HUD functions. Thats why expanding the number of total slots is one of the best early game upgrades available. Chips will take up more storage space the stronger they get. A single chip could take up to 28 slots, so it adds up quick early on.
Right now the only chips we have equipped are all HUD functions. Its entirely possible to rip most all of these out to gain more Plug-in Chip space. Dont want a mini-map? Already memorized where save points are? No need for numbers to pop out of enemies on damaging them (you fucked up joyless shit)? Rip em out, even if the space REALLY isnt going to make that much of a difference. But in a pinch, disabling a bit of the HUD to squeeze in a tiny bit more performance is always an option.
This is only ONE chip that absolutely should never be removed. Thats the one containing 2Bs Operating System. As it turns out thats kind of important for an android to have installed. It says right there... Removal means death.
Like I said, you SHOULD never remove this chip. That doesnt mean theyre going to stop you in any way. So... Were gonna be curious, huh? Wanna see what happens? Tch... Alright.

You immediately die, just like it said you would! You stupid idiot! 9S is, as we speak, freaking the FUCK out because 2B just stuck her hand into the back of her head, pulled out her brain, and flopped over dead. I hope youre happy...