Part 133: Episode CXXVIII: Atonement

NOTE: Hey... before we go further let's stop for a second. While NieR: Automata is mostly a stand alone sequel, this final chapter is VERY MUCH something that loses a lot of impact in places if you've not played the first game. Or at least maybe read an LP done by someone you might be familiar with... Just saying! Final warning to correct your course in life before we begin...
Episode CXXVIII: Atonement

Music: Amusement Park (Quiet)


Apparently some point while falling down a hole for the eighth time, 9S managed to grab the final keycard in free fall... somehow. Dont worry about it. The floor with core on the other side of that wall collapsed too and fell next to him. Good an explanation as any!

Welp. Final objective of the game coming right up and with it the Point of No Return for 9S before hitting Ending C. Any outstanding sidequests will be canceled as soon as he sets foot into The Tower proper. Not that it will be a problem for us. Nor will it remain a permanent problem either way.
Its worth noting that Pod 153 wasnt just talking about that floor collapsing and owning 9S. The God Box Resource Unit did indeed collapse into rubble sometime shortly after A2 wasted Big Brother Auguste and Little Brothers Friedrich. Probably because theres absolutely no reason to return to that particular Resource Unit now that were done. The other two at least had some missable items and documents and theyre both perfectly fine. Definitely didnt waste ten minutes checking them both out to see if theyd been destroyed too. No sirrah...

Music: Rays of Light
In any case, theres no reason to delay. Lets finally use these
Unfortunately, The Tower is still not letting 9S hack its front door and waltz in. Theres proper protocol that needs to be followed, duder. Cmon... You havent been unemployed from the disbanded YoRHa for that long.

So to get in, 9S needs to use those keycards hes been gathering on each of the three weird spiral constructs surrounding the Tower entrance. Makes sense...
Once the defense barrier has been deactivated, its just a matter of hacking the device for good measure...

Music: City Ruins (Chiptune)
The first sub-system is a simple hack involving a bunch of destroyable black squares, a handful of cores than need to be destroyed and a somewhat tight time limit. Hackerman is on the case, no problem.
On to the next sub-system. The first one wasnt even connected to anything... above ground at least. This one looks like they ran out of material to connect it to the upper reaches of the Tower.
Well, whatever. If it beeps... we can hack it.
The second sub-units hack is a mess of black breakable blocks with some damaging reds and unbreakable whites thrown in for flavor. Its like you all are not even trying. Cmon.
The final sub-unit is the only one they bothered to actually connect to the tower. Given the way things have been going, I wouldnt be surprised if all three of these things actually didnt do anything and theres just a camera pointed at 9S with the machine network watching him and giggling while throwing off the appropriate light switches to make him think hes doing something important.
As long as the door still opens after hacking all three of em...
The third and final sub-unit hack is the only one that has defense units. The time limit for this one is rather tight. It also turns out destroying all the defenders like usual is a waste of time since the core didnt have a defense barrier like usual. Hmph.

Music: Rays of Light

Im not a fan of the phrasing looking forward to serving you. If theres some sort of freestyle break-dancing competition against the machine network waiting within the Tower, 9S is just completely boned. You just know Nines dances like the most uncoordinated, whitest boy imaginable.
Speculation on 9S being a busta aside, this hack for the Tower door is taking a good long while to activate... Like, after ten seconds of concentrated hacking button holding the meter is only filled less than a quarter of the way. For reference, common enemies take .05 to 1 second to hack. Goliaths and bosses take 1-2.5 seconds tops. Also...


Unfortunately, were only a quarter of the way into even initiating a hack when enemies begin pouring into the area and were forced to break off to defend ourselves. Theyre all only Level 45-55 jobbers. The problem is... it only takes one hit to break 9Ss hacking focus and he needs nearly a minute to successfully initiate a hack on the Tower. And more airdropped reinforcements are immediately replacing any machines 9S kills.

Music: ENDS




Welp... If youre going to pull a heel turn on us, please dont give our Pod a stroke. That was really mean when your predecessors did that to our magic book sidekick...
Devola and Popola ready their swords and dash towards 9S, who can only manage to gasp and brace for getting owned again.
Nah. Just kidding. Why would you think this Devola and Popola would pull a heel turn at the final dungeon just because the last two did? Thats very judgemental of you. Just because they look the same as those two fuck-ups doesnt mean anything. These two have been nothing but cool with us and thrown zero shady prophecies or ominous warnings 9Ss way.

Music: Song of the Ancients ~ Atonement (Vocal) (This is the only time the vocal version of this ever plays. Go listen to it!)

So Popola and Devola are goddamn beasts and have this situation with the infinitely spawning machine lifeforms well handled. As far as friendlies in battle go they have AI similar to 2Bs in Route B if she were set to wreck everything you sees shit immediately mode. They will rush down and obliterate anything getting remotely close to 9S or the Tower gate. So thats cool.
That said, while the twins arent given a health bar, that doesnt mean they are invincible. Theres infinitely spawning enemies. They are going to take some hits by sheer virtue of things are dropping behind them and immediately attacking before they can react. 9S is free to help out but its not a great idea...
Like five minutes of Devola and Popola fighting enemies later...

Another good four minutes of them fighting after that...


Hack the goddamn Tower, 9S!

Lets try that again...
Actually, you know what, though? Ive just noticed our inventory is full for spare plug-in chips. Ive been meaning to offload a ton of useless low level ones but you know how it is with LP footage recording. Hey, you all held out for like ten minute last time. Youll be OK if 9S just pops over to the Resistance Camp real quick, right?

Ah... Theyre REALLY strong for NPC androids. Itll be fine. Quit your worrying. Itll only take three... maybe four minutes, tops!



Theres no meaning behind anything 9S does.
OK. Thats it for screwing around. Theres only one more being a huge dick/fuck-up ending left in the game. Not counting the main endings. Lets actually do this for real this time, eh?
Devola and Popola have this handled. 9S just needs to hack the Tower... For a while...
...a very long...

All this hacking and not once did 9S turn to someone and declare Im in... Shameful.

New Music: Song of the Ancients - Chiptune (Also the only time you hear the chiptune version of it for more than two seconds.)
Despite all the build-up, there isnt a whole lot to this hack. Theres a moderate amount of defenders initially and several unprotected cores along the way. Theres no time limit for this one either.
That is, until we reach the final core at the northern most point of hacking space. Here, 9S runs into some issues...



Music: Song of the Ancients ~ Atonement (Vocal)

9S doesnt have time to worry about the details as the Tower zaps him out of his hack and sends him flying several yards. 9S man... you had one job.

Shut up, nerd. If youre not going to do the job right, Popola is gonna just go for it.

Devola notices a machine about to put an axe into 9Ss head and saves his ass while Hackerman busies himself with dweeb terminology as to why Popola should stop being a big damn hero.


Shut up, 9S! She already opened the damn door!

Just gotta stab this machine in the dick real quick and rush over to 9Ss side. I bet they have robot dicks under that metal plating. I mean, theyve got mouths with teeth under those dome heads. It stands to reason...

Devola picks up 9S and just chucks his ass into the Tower.


Video: Episode 128 Highlight Reel (You should watch this.)

Devola and Popola Render Devola is the better sister because she drinks like a champ and also isnt constantly bumping into shit because shes got her bangs half-covering her eyes.