Part 145: Episode CXXXVIX: BattleBots
Episode CXXXIX: BattleBots
Music: Forest Kingdom (Quiet)
Hey, did you know Animal-loving Machine and his moose are totally fine? Its true! Good for him. Especially with the Forest Kingdom guerilla fighters hiding out in bushes and up trees a few paces ahead. None of them can stand up against the might of a moose, so theyll all be fine.
Edit: Actually, Scientist Machine ate it during the purge of Pascal's Village. The space program is still fine. Someone can come along to pick up his work at a later date.
Anyway, lets return to the nightmare hellscape that is

Bud, youve clearly got a hold of an out of date database regarding 9Ss relationship with the machines there... But if you say so. This is the only arena that is only available to 9S. Theres a very good reason for that which well see shortly. But first a quiet elevator ride...

DLC Music: Colosseum
Didnt you read the music track, 9S? Its a Colosseum. Sheesh.
As with the Trial of Sand, there are a number of robots idling about for our android to converse with before going to the receptionist to begin the DLC fights proper. Lets take a look around first.
This dude knows whats up. Now youve got to take it one step further and get a sick paint job on that set-up. Flames and shit, ya know? But dont you dare come back here with an anime babe slapped on the side of that thing. Youll be dead to me if that happens, machine.
410,757,864,530 DEAD MACHINES and like 90% of them were idiots like you with a sword. Yeah... maybe rethink the melee method, my guy.
Spoilers: His dad died. No moral.
Shoot em in the kneecap and suplex. Incredibly effective every time.

So this machine is a DLC materials shop. It sells assort upgrade components at reasonable prices. Of particular note: Rusted Clumps, Titanium Alloy, Broken Keys, Broken Circuits, Rusty Bolts, Severed Cables and Broken Batteries were all materials that previously had to be farmed and were not sold by a vendor. Granted, a few basically grew on trees from common machine drops but still... Its nice! The rest of the entries only appeared in one of Emils randomized inventory which was its own pain in the ass. So this is a nice speed boost to maxing out all of the weapons to unlock the final sidequest.
Beyond the colosseums entry hall are two long hallways which house idle machines, all of a different type. Theyre just chilling out.
Were told to buzz off and check in at the front desk if we try to interact with any of em. Theres a certain protocol to follow here, 9S. Cmon. Show some tact.
Sure... well get to that in a minute. But if we run past the receptionist and up some stairs, well come to the Colosseum proper. Im glad Adam left behind his interest in blood sports to spread to the rest of his brethren. We can chat up some of the participants as they cheer on their favored mechanical gladiator.


Yep. Lemme guess, its harvest parts leftover from fallen gladiators? Pfft... That doesnt even register on the grim scale. Weve still got the cores of a bunch of dead robot children who commited suicide out of fear and had their parts harvested by their memory wiped kindly uncle. We dont even *know* these idiots fighting in the ring.

OK. Thats enough bugging spectators. Lets return to the front desk and see what this DLC arena is all about...

So begins the Underground Colosseum sidequest. Again, this is a DLC exclusive quest that does not affect our completion percentage. Lets hear more about the details and why only 9S can do this arena...


OK. So this arena is about utilizing that whole barely utilized mechanic where 9S can hijack machines and pit em against other machines. Which I suppose is a decent use of a mechanic that probably had a lot of time put into it and can be completely ignored by the player outside of one or two sections. The first rank of the Underground Colosseum battles is Level 40. I think we can handle that for a taste of whats to come...
All of the machines we found idling about in the hallways are machine types 9S previously hijacked during normal gameplay. We can select from any of em like mechanical Pokémon for the fight. Given our experiences, its fairly obvious what the go-to machine is for being reasonably competent.
Aww... what? Cmon! Tch... Fine... Well take a medium-biped.
I dont like the phrasing of that question, but yes. Well chose you, chief.
The last order of business, at least with the humanoid biped machines, is to select their weapon of choice. I dont think this one is dictated by which ones weve hijacked in-game. Given almost every arena fight has featured aerial enemies, Im going to go ahead and say melee only machines might find that problematic... So lets go with a gun, hoss. Just in case...

Music: Song of the Ancients ~ Atonement

The ultimate match finally begins. Who will leave this arena alive? Medium Biped? Or the fearsome Stubby? Place your bets now...
The biggest challenge of this arena is figuring out what the hell the controls do for any given machines. Youd think the Pod Fire button would shoot your gun arm. But nope! That makes our boy fire a bunch of energy orbs into the air that I have literally never been hit with or seen anything get hit with in the 140+ hours I have been playing this game now...
Turns out the light attack is the normal targeted gun cannon shot... Given his gun is his default attack, I suppose that makes sense. Its worth noting that Hacking is disabled for this arena. That wouldnt be remotely fair. The game will just angrily announce that function is disabled with a warning on the HUD.
Once the Stubby is destroyed, we move onto the next wave. This arena also features three waves of foes per match. Next up is...
...My god. His defense is immaculate. Gunner Medium-Biped has never faced a more dangerous foe. Granted, it presumably never went up against anyone from YoRHa so maybe the bar is a tad lower than most...
Luckily, our Pod Fire equivalent function is a giant fuck-off concentrated laser cannon. Turns out that outclasses a welding mask. Who knew?
The terrible battle of machine against machine was waged long into the night. Or... after like five more Stubbies got blasted into bits. That gun arm is pretty OK considering those guys were a joke during normal gameplay.
...Then again, we did have 23 Levels over the competition. That could have shifted things in our machines favor too. But details.

Music: Colosseum

Our reward for completing the first tier of Underground Colosseum matches is a brand new costume for 9S. Included with the DLC are new outfits for all three androids. 9S gets his right out of the gate.
Its Brother Niers costume from the first half of NieR: Gestalt. Brother Nier looked like a total dweeb in that and now 9S can follow suit. Alas, 9S can never wear pants. Such is his fate.
That concludes our initial tour of the Underground Colosseum. Tune in next time as we venture to the coast to check out the third and final DLC arena and maybe pick up some more cosmetics for our other androids along the way.

Video: Episode 139 Highlight Reel

9S Young Brother Nier Costume Render Did you cut off your pants legs to make double sleeves...? Or is that... TRIPLE sleeves? Wha?

Young Brother Nier Official Art Just for comparisons sake. He had WAY stupider looking hair in-game. Like an even more moronic Cloud Strife anime look.