Part 35: Episode XXXIV: Existence Precedes Essence
Episode XXXIV: Existence Precedes Essence.jpg)
That last quest was really cute. Lets move on to something far less pleasant. Hey, remember how I insisted everyone should wait until unlocking Fast Travel before doing most sidequests? Guess what? Thats almost entirely because of this garbage task.
To progress in this quest, we now need to track down Jean-Pauls other two followers in the amusement park and desert regions. Still... not entirely sure why were doing this, other than 9S being curious and 2B being too apathetic about the whole affair to shoot him down just yet. Anyhow, the Amusement Park trek isnt too bad. We could easily dash over there in 3-5 minutes tops.

Music: Amusement Park (Vocal)
The Jean-Paul follower we want is located in the central part of the main Amusement Park street on the opposite side of the gated area leading off to Pascals Village. This is apparent Machine With a Dream. Sure...

OK... The Machine with a Dream gives us a hunk of glass as a gift for Jean-Paul. Im sure this has a deep meaning. I was never much for philosophy study...

Music: Pascal
Regardless, back to Pascals Village we go to deliver the goods to Jean-Paul and see his reaction. Maybe this time itll be a bit less... dismissively assholish?

Music: Memories of Dust (Vocal)
Right, then. Another waste of our time. Perhaps the third one will be the charm in getting Jean-Paul to stop being a dick. The final admirer of JP is hanging is indeed hanging out in the desert. More specifically, the Desert Housing region. Hopefully theyve cleaned up the corpse resurrecting weirdo and his Frankensteined sons bodies from our previous sidequest in the area.
The machine we want is straight north of the Desert Housing Access Point, hanging around the corner with four other non-hostile desert machines.
The four generic machines all are apparently named Wife Machine and hiss about the androids being outsiders and freaks. Dont ask me what this is all about. If its some kinda reference, its gone over my head. Lets speak with the one with a unique outfit, the Machine in Love as it likes to be called.

I suppose when theres been a war waged between assorted robots for several times longer than recorded human history, fossilized machine parts would start becoming a thing. I somehow doubt Jean-Paul is going to be interested in its historical significance...

So I mentioned having to change Sartres name to Jean-Paul due his estate being extremely litigious. Turns out Square-Enixs legal department didnt catch that until after the English voice acting had already been recorded. So instead of getting 9Ss VA in to re-record a single line of dialog in a sidequest, they just bleeped it out. Which to me is funny, as I like to pretend 9S was just getting fed up and called Jean-Paul a fucker. Despite that, Im sure theres an angry rambling internet post somewhere screeching about censorship in localization and how dare they and also this is somehow womens fault.
Anyway, back to

Music: Pascal


Riiiiight... So heres the second half of this quest: Go back to all three followers and speak to them a second time. Yep, definitely didnt want to stab this prick through his top hat and into his brain box by the time I was done doing this quest before obtaining Fast Travel. No sir...
Oh well... At least one of the machines are still in the village. Lets hit them up first...

Music: Amusement Park (Vocal)
Why do I get the feeling all three machine ladies are going to be thrilled to be getting rejected? Oh well, who am I to judge? Lets just get this over with...

Music: Memories of Dust (Vocal)
Thank goodness for fast travel. You know how goddamn far it is from here to Pascals Village on foot...?

No worries there, lady. After our follow-up chat with all three admires, Jean-Pauls Melancholy updates. Seems we need to return to the jerk one final time...

Music: Pascal
This had better result in Jean-Paul tumbling down a comically long flight of stairs. Or at least 9S getting his top hat as an accessory.
Goddammit! Did we miss him topple down the stairs? No satisfaction in this quest. None. I dont care if Jean-Paul vanishing from existence having accomplished nothing would be the most appropriate end to this story arc.


A letter, huh? Funny, he doesnt seem like the type. Lets take a look at its text...
...Now this. This here checks out. You goddamn piece of shit machine. I hope one of those terrible electric worm machines rends you asunder on your journey.
Platinum Games is soft. If Cavia still were around that letter would have been the only quest reward for completing this nonsense. Not that Im longing for those days of trolling bullshit, mind you.

And thats it! If youre looking for some deeper meaning to this quest... naw dawg! There isnt one. Yoko Taro or one of the other writers had to study Sartres work in college or something. They had a goddamn axe to grind about how they thought he was a huge dick and you should too. Thats it! That was the quest!
You know what...? Mission accomplished! Fuck Jean-Paul Sartre!

Video: Episode 34 CENSORSHIP! (Edit: Pfft hahaha.)