Part 55: Episode LIV: The Essence of Humanity
Episode LIV: The Essence of Humanity.jpg)

New Music: Copied City (Quiet) (You should absolutely listen to this. Its a really good track!)
Well... this is happening now. Welcome to the Copied City. Im going to go ahead and assume 2B has a raised eyebrow under that blindfold right now.

The Copied City is not a very large area. In fact, its pretty much just a straight glorified corridor from here to the end of the area, with a few side-alley dead ends for flavor. There are some pretty nice goodies in this region as far as Chips go. Potentially, a Resilience and Overclock chip can be randomly found here.
Resilience makes 2B no-sell damage if her health is above a certain threshold. Shell get hurt still, but not stunned. Its the same ability Level 4 Iron Will grants, just with any weapon configuration. Overdrive, on the other hand, turns 2Bs Perfect Evade into straight up Witch Time from Bayonetta. Dodging attacks will cause time to slow down for everything except for 2B. Its both near brokenly powerful and really fun. Sadly, I only found a Resilience +2 in my journey here this time. Raidens Parry from Metal Gear Rising is also a fun other Platinum games mechanic chip in this game as well.
Not everything in the Copied City is a stark white textureless bit of scenery. There is some set dressing in the form of YoRHa android corpses...
...A LOT of android corpses. Im sure theres a perfectly reasonable explanation for them all being here.

Look, you know how much work it is to drag over rusty girders, tear off an androids skin and then tie it up in a spooky pose? Just toss a bunch of ragdolled bodies around and it has the same effect. Thats just efficient!
Theres only one path through the Copied City and it leads to a half-constructed church looking structure and a large, definitely not a boss-arena courtyard in front of it. Said courtyard is decorated by dozens of player corpses and a bunch of tiny cubes slowly rolling towards the church. Welp. May as well see what this is all about...
The baby cubes begin merging together into who knows what. Sorry, its not going to be a crazy cube monster like Shahriyar in NieR 1s Barren Temple. Or even historys greatest block related monster: The S-Piece.
Also a ton of larger blocks fill in the exit to the boss arena. Wouldnt want to go out of bounds, now would we? Ring outs are the cowards victory.
So what is in the cube pile, you ask? Well its very simple...
Why its Adam, of course. And hes evolved to his third form: Wearing a shirt and glasses. Hes still got a ways to go. Everyone knows you cannot be a true fighting game end boss unless you go at it in a full 3-piece suit, huge flowing robes or in full plate-armor with a cape. But at least hes making progress to that lofty goal.
Adam has a monologue to make and theres little we can do to stop him. Well be given control back to 2B shortly. But any attempts to attack Adam just results in him teleporting away until hes done yammering. So no sense in that. Lets just hear him out.

Now we are actually battling Adam. Kinda... Well, not really. Adam will attack 2B in this fight and 2B can damage him a bit. But this is another conflict that is scripted to end as soon as Adam is done with his ramblings.


Adam has an all unique move set for this first phase of the fight. Hes become a Cubemancer using only the darkest in cube based wizardry. For instance, Adam can summon a dozen or so cubes around himself and detonate them as bombs. You see? He can unleash the power of a Tetris without even making a line.
The newly shirt wearing man-machine also form a giant a massive cube and just toss that sonuvabitch in 2Bs direction. If 2B lingers at close range when the cube is summoned, hell instead spike it into the ground instead of tossing it.

Rounding out Adams newfound abilities, instead of detonating a dozen cubes around himself, he can instead use them as projectiles to lob in 2Bs general direction.
Finally, if under fire from the Pod or 2B keeping pressure in one direction for too long, Adam can summon a wall of blocks to protect himself and then slam it forth in 2Bs direction. Kinda rude...
Finally, Adam can still just teleport. Its the only old ability he retains for this portion of the boss battle.
After Adam is done with the monologue, theres a bit of downtime where the battle continues. But its not necessary to deplete his HP to a certain point. The next phase will automatically progress shortly...

Adam has rejected the dark arts of Cubemancy.
Alright. This is now a death match... for Adam looking for some thrill seeking. I dont think he knows that the androids kinda have the same quasi-immortality deal and even if he slays 2B, another one could get 3D Printed out and march back down here to try again. I suppose in a way this is like being a final boss in a fighting game. You can kick Player 1s ass a hundred times. But as long as they keep continuing, it only takes one victory on their part to make the end credits roll.

New Music: Copied City (Dynamic) (You should listen to this too. Its the vocals version.)
Now its time for a real battle against Adam. Kinda... Theres no artificial time limit associated with this phase of the fight. But we only need to drop him to 75-66% health to move on and hes using a limited move set for this bout.
Instead of the deadly Cube Arts from earlier, Adam is using evolutions of moves similar to the first fight against him and the one from the alien mothership against Eve. For instance, he can use his crazy energy wisps to form a giant hand and just pimp-slap 2B. Rude as heck.
He also possesses a superman dive punch. This has extremely far range, as he teleports to get close to 2Bs position. But its hugely telegraphed.
Use Pods primary fire functions is largely useless here. Adam will outright defect Gatling fire back at 2B. Hell block Laser and use its energy to do a similar deflection. And missile is just too damn slow to hit an exceedingly mobile/frequently teleporting small target like Adam.
Keeping with the fighting game boss theme, Adam still remembers how to do his rapid-fire Hadokens from the first match against him. He hasnt gotten faster or accurate with those and just keeping mobile is enough to avoid the fireball volley.
Also back from the older battles with the manbots is the parry shield. Adam is way more on the ball about using this when under attack. However, he takes a bit until he can throw up another shield if the first one is broken. So its usually the best tactic to just wail on it until Adam parries, Perfect Evade the parry, and then punish him with a follow-up attack.
All of Eves axe and dive kicks are also available to his brother. I mean technically, he was using those moves fighting 9S in the background during that fight. But who was paying attention to that? A lot of Adams kicks have a very brief tell and are among the harder attacks to avoid at close range. Which is wise to stay more mid-range when attacking with Large Swords or Spears. Or not. Its really satisfying to fight Adam with Combat Bracers too.

As soon as Adam is done kinda creepy laughing about 9S, hell go down in the very next hit. Hey, weirdo. 9S is a dingus. But hes our dingus. You better not be doing any weird manbot stuff with him here...
Adam please dont teach the machine lifeforms about masochism. Next thing you know theyll be getting into whips and leather or 100% LPing Drakengard and nobody wants to see those little dork robots doing that.
Adam decides to float off. He can fly now. Its fine. All Sephiroths can fly. Everyone knows that! Thats just basic scientific fact. Open up a book sometime and educate yourself.
Oh boy... This is gonna get creepy, isnt it? And if it doesnt get creepy, this is gonna inspire a massive amount of creepy fan art.
OUCH! Somehow thick blunt rods being impaled through someone seems way worse than spiked ones. Dammit... now we cant even yell at 9S for nearly blowing us up after this...
Should have seen Adam turning out to be the creepy brother. I mean just look at that outfit. He researched all of human history and went with that. He knew fully well what he was doing and setting out to become.

Music: End of the Unknown (Dynamic)



Tune in next time for Fucking PISSED 2B vs. Creeper Sephiroth Adam in a final death match in the Copied City. Place your bets now! ...Keeping in mind were only like 75% of the way through the first ending route...

Video: Episode 54 Highlight Reel (You should watch this.)

Copied City Concept Art This is the only piece of concept art for this region. Unlike the Flooded City, Im pretty sure this was just intended to be an unsettling boss arena area. No idea why 9S is in it. At no point is he wandering around this location.