Part 72: Episode LXX: Trolling My Future Self
Episode LXX: Trolling My Future Self

Music: Fortress of Lies (Vocal)

Shes probably waiting in her room now.
Welcome back to space. Its been quite a while since weve visited the Bunker. 9S has skipped past the recent millennia backstory recap and meeting the newly respawned 2B in the hall for a daily hailing to the glory of mankind. He instead opts to jump right ahead to 2Bs reboot diagnostics session.
Well go link up with 2B and get her sorted out in a minute. For now, weve gotten a new mail notification. We actually have access to both 2B and 9Ss emails for... some reason. 2B will receive the exact same mail 9S gets throughout Route B. So I dont really get the point. Also some mail has been deleted between routes, mostly main plot relevant stuff but... not all of it? Theres a bit of clutter relevant to sidequests (that both 2B and 9S can complete) that still remains as well.
Now that were
Hackerman 9S, the Bunker IT Staff was nice enough to add a Hacking practice area to Access Points. Or maybe it was there the entire time and just disabled in 2Bs settings because shes an idiot combat robot that just hits things with sticks.
There is a Challenge Mode and Training Mode available with hacking. Training Mode just offers a host of scenarios where 9S can practice his hacking skills. I see zero reason to ever use this since buddy, there aint no lack of hacking chances in Route B. I dont *think* theres any reward doing these. At least I did all 20 available and got fuck all.
Challenge Mode, on the other hand, just tosses 9S into the deep end with an unending stream of consecutive hacks of increasing difficulty with Ironman rules in effect (three hits and were done.)
Challenge Mode
does offer rewards for surviving long enough. Theres only 12 levels of challenge mode available at the start of the game. It goes up to 48 levels. The reward for completing the entire end game Challenge Mode is a suite of pretty decent +7 Plugin Chips along with 50,000 G. Which is pretty ehh for like ten minutes straight of the hacking mini-game. Theres no achievement or anything tied to this nor does anyone acknowledge 9Ss elite hacking skills if its completed. But its there if anyone REALLY feels like getting their hacking on beyond the 18,000 times 9S will be doing hacks in the future.
Now then, lets get back on task and reunite with 2B in her room.
9S, please dont stare up your unconscious partners skirt. Yes, its highly irresponsible for 2B to go into standby mode pointing in that direction. Thats no excuse.
To continue, we need to move 9S to a less unfortunate angle of approach and hack into 2B to begin her diagnostic session. Remember that...?

First, youll want to check your brightness settings.
Hey... So you remember how there was a little recording indicator when we did this the first time and 9S mentioned as much. Turns out they werent kidding around! We get no control over this part of the game. Instead we get to be 9S watching 2B, our former self, fuck around with option settings. In real time... So if you screwed about with getting the brightness settings perfect or got up to take a quick piss... guess what, idiot! That was a real rude thing to do to 9S and now its coming back to haunt you.


Okay, I found the guide! If you can just follow that, itll make things easier.

Lets start by getting the brightness set.
<fucks around trying to get the levels visible for 40 seconds>

Okay. How does this look?
<silently types out a grammar nazi diatribe how its actually spelt OK and 9S should know better, wasting a minute of everyones time. Still answers with Okay to progress.>

Roger that. Oh, and I should probably let you know that this entire process is being recorded for posterity.

Seems your voice recognition is set to mute, which isnt gonna work. Im gonna call out to you nowmake sure you can hear my voice.

Maam? Are you there? Can you hear me? Uh, hellooo? Go ahead and adjust your settings so you can hear me, all right? Adjust the settings until you can hear my voice. Er, could you try and pick up the pace a little bit? This is getting embarrassing... Maam? Are you there? Can you hear me? Uh, helloo
<Hits confirm after 9Ss dialogue is confirmed to be looping>

Oh, uh, th-thank you! ...Anyway, that takes care of the settings.

(Ngh!? What the heck? My pulse rate is rising! Hmm... It seems to be back to normal now. How odd.)

Er, hold on. Your self-destruct permissions are missing. Wait a sec, we need to restore those.
<Leaves off>

Huh? Wait, no. You need to leave that turned on.

Yeah... you cant really do that. It needs to be turned on except in very specific cases.
<Fuck the police!>

Im afraid I cant leave this as-is, maam. Please give your permission.
<Get bent!>

Hey, come on now! Im just trying to follow regulations here.
<This will just lead to most people trying it out and getting a bad ending.>

Hey, come on now! Im just trying to follow regulations here.
<Your dialogue is looping now. Fiiiiine.>

Okay, good. If things go wrong during an op, you may have to sacrifice yourself in order to finish it, sooo... Once youre finished making adjustments, you can go ahead and close this.
<Wait changed my mind. Eat it, dweeb.>

I know no one LIKES the idea of self-destructing. But thats what regulations call for. Still, Ill keep it a secret from the Commander.
<Flips it back on just to be contrarian>

Im gonna tap you on the shoulders, all right?

<minor control vibration>
LIE: <No.>

Huh? Thats odd. Everything should be set up correctly. Here, let me try somewhere else. Im gonna tap you on the arm this time, okay?

<moderate rumble>
LIE: <Nope. Are you actually doing this blindfolded?>

Huh? Really?

(2B must have felt that... Maybe shes just messing with me.)

Well, if you say so. How about this?

(Should I tap her here, though? She might get angry at me.)

<advanced rumble>
LIE: <No. Also silently sending a memo to YoRHas HR department>

*exasperated* Are you serious...? You didnt feel anything just now...? Well then, lets try something else.

(No turning back now, I guess...)

<controller goes nuts for like 10 seconds>

LIE: <No. Letter to HR Department now sent.>

Hmm... I dont know whats causing this, so well need to run some precision diagnostics later. Regardless, thats the end of the check for now.

Ugh... Uhh... <sits up and puts on blindfold>
The Commanders put me in charge of your maintenance, maam. I know the Operators are the ones to usually do that kind of thing. But one of them found a cache of pictures about something called a panda. I guess it's a cute animal and you know how that goes...
...I see.
Oh, dont worry. We 9S models are the best around, you know. Though I suppose were not exactly known for our modesty.
I saw you get broken in half earlier due to falling like 30 feet.
<frown> ...Nobody said we were the most durable models.
Hm? What is it, maam?
Stop calling me maam. How many times do I have to tell yooh... Right. Just knock it off.
A-All right. If you say so, 2B. Heyidea! Why dont you start calling me Nines?
How about no?
O-oh... Okay... Well, the Commander wanted to see us about something. Wed better go see whats up, maer, 2B!
Hey, is it OK if I called you Toobie?
<visibly glares through blindfold> No.
Off we go to see the Commander and get our mission orders to fly down to the City Ruins and link up with the Resistance. Spoilers. Before we head there, I did forget about a voiced background conversation early on in the game happening between a pair of androids hanging out in one of the staff bedrooms. Specifically, 8Bs room. Lets go remedy that...

Hey, what do you think of my waistline?

What are you talking about?

Ive been working out lately.

Ohh... Hey, well... Now that you mention it...

W-What?! You cant just tell by looking at me!?

Well its just that... ya know, its hard to tell with the clothes youre wearing.

Tch. Seriously...? Ive been exercising my BUTT off!

Well, you should wear some tighter outfits to show off your curves. So... do you work out every day?

Well... maybe not every day... A girl has her moments, you know. But at least... once every... two or three days or so! Im sure it was really noticeable too.

Come on, thats hardly even trying. You have to keep up a regular pace, you know. Youre looking... just fine, though.

Tch. Well, sorry we cant ALL be as slim as you...

Heeey! Dont blame me just because *I* look good.

Gimme a break!
This raises a lot of questions. Like did humans give androids the ability to gain and lose weight, which seems unlikely given an earlier conversation during a sidequest where 2B didnt seem to know about humans being able to get fat. Which means they programmed androids dumb enough to not know exercise doesnt actually do anything for them... Well, who knows? Its canonical that Drakenier universe androids can get drunk despite not needing to eat or drink anything besides water. Anything is possible.
In any case, lets go link up with the Commander. None of the Operators or other idle YoRHa androids have anything different to say with 9S in the lead of this playthrough.

Maintenance finished?

Yes, Commander.

You detonated your black box in order to defeat the enemy. Bold, but risky. Try not to be so reckless next time.
Specifically, try not to ram your Flight Units into anymore walls. Do you know how much a single one of those cost? I could jettison the entire deck of Operators out an airlock and it would cost less than losing one of those. Dont let it happen again!
All right. New mission: You two go back to Earth and link up with the Resistance. There is an unusually dense amount of activity in a specific square mile of a ruined human city and surrounding regions that I want you all to investigate.
Got it.
Oh and one last thing... The self-destruct function is strictly prohibited on the Bunker.
...Whod be stupid enough to self-destruct in a space station?
Nobody yet. But I just have this lingering feeling like its a good idea to remind you two of that fact.
...Yeah. Well try not to blow up the Bunker, Commander...
Good. You have your orders.
And thats all there is to our Bunker revisit. Unless Im forgetting something, Route B doesnt get any additional sidequests up here. So beyond the brief mandatory story visit, this is the last well see of the Bunker for quite some time.
That concludes Chapter 1B of NieR: Automata. Tune in next time as we begin our speedrun through the next several chapters of the game. We have to go unlock goddamn Fast Travel again via the same story mission in Chapter 5 and theres all of like... three new scenes during that time.

Video: Episode 70 Highlight Reel
The Bunker Concept Art I think theres only one very brief shot of the outside of the Bunker and its not for some time. Heres what it looks like if you were wondering.