Part 77: Episode LXXV: This Continued
Episode LXXV: This Continued
Music: Memories of Dust

9S, you live in a college dorm in space full of gossiping lesbian robots dressed up like blindfolded members of a goth J-Pop group. Youve got no legs to stand on with having weird living conditions.
Aside from that, weve actually got a couple things to take care of back in the Desert Zone before we move on to the Desert Housing complex. I definitely didnt forget to go over this in the last update. No sir... Anyway, if we take a trip over to the desert oasis on the far western side of the region, past the eternal sandstorm, theres couple of things of interest in Route B. For instance, the YoRHa android hanging out here has different dialog if we visit her as early as possible.

Look, if we didnt narc on the drugged out YoRHa operatives over by the oil oasis, were not going to say anything about you hanging out enjoying the weather. Besides, were actually here to unlock another lore filled locked chest located behind you.
Clearly the dude played a lot of Demons Souls and his priorities were forever warped.
Our second order of business involves a large rock to the south of the Desert Housing area entrance. This rock is home to a couple of things.
Theres a couple of rare Medium Flyer variants here which have detachable suicide bomber pods they can drop off to blow up attacking androids. Which... doesnt strike me as the most effective use of resources, especially since prematurely detonated kamikaze pods will damage the flyer itself. But what do I know?
Our chief item of interest is another locked chest found beneath this rock. This is the last of the noteworthy 9S unlockable items in this area. Its another Project Gestalt memo. Lets take a look...
All the mainstream media claims the government is planning to rip out peoples souls into spectral beings of shadow and cultivate cloned human shells for generations as it cleans up the maso remains is entirely fake news!
That concludes our business in the Desert Zone. Like... for the majority of Route B. We might have to swing by here briefly for a sidequest. But were largely done with the area for the foreseeable future.

Music: Memories of Dust (Vocal)
So there is something new in the Desert Housing region: a roaming tank. A roaming golden tank. This is another leg of the unmarked Golden Machines sidequest. The tank will only spawn after we kill the first golden machine and friends. Lets see what its doing out here.

Weve never actually fought a machine tank yet, since 2B wasnt a stick in the mud and didnt try to interfere with the Party Tank back in Route A. Machine lifeform tanks arent particularly complex enemies. Theres a bunch of stubby machines going wild on cannons shooting in all directions while the main cannon fires out a large, dense volley of bouncing energy orbs. It can also speed up and try to ram our androids or, in this weird stuck on an incline tanks case, try to drift sideways into 9S. And... thats kinda it.
Accompanying the Golden Tank is another Golden Machine. According to our Intel Archives, this is the Hateful Sister. If you say so...
As before, golden machines have incredibly resilient armor. And once again, the Golden Stubbys support unit is way easier to take out than the named unit.

Music: Memories of Dust (Chiptune)
As before, hacking will trivialize this encounter. I have no idea how long it would take to take out this tank with just melee weapons and Pod Programs. Longer than Im willing to put forth the effort testing because thats stupid as hell to attempt. Two successful hacking sessions will detonate the tank, much to the Hateful Sisters displeasure.
As with the previous golden Stubby, this one has a ridiculous amount of HP and takes 5-6 hacking sessions (and initiating a hack takes twice as long as most any other enemy unit) before its down for the count.

Music: Memories of Dust (Vocal)
There is, in fact, one more of these jerks left out in the wild. However, well have to wait until the Flooded City is unlocked before we can face the third golden machine and tie off this unmarked sidequest. Its worth noting that despite not getting a log entry as a proper quest, these Golden Machine encounters do work the same as any other sidequest. In that weve got to finish murdering them all by the end of Route B or else the encounters are reset and they will all respawn, as if wed never fought em in the first place.
But thats a task for another day. Lets head on towards the Desert Housing proper and get things underway there. There are a couple of items of note here for this run, besides getting to the main plot event.
Those items are, of course, more lore. There are two locked crates here 9S can now access. One is right around the corner for the areas sole Access Point. This is where the pink machine with the eyepatch was hanging out with its many wives during Jean-Pauls sidequest. We can now unlock the chest that was resting behind them and find...
Frank, I swear to fucking god if you put your fucking trash out on Monday again and it sits on the curb stinking up the place, Im going to take a shit in your A/C unit.

The second lore dump chest is found in one of the ruined apartments south of the Access Point. Its between the old derelict playground and that building where the creepy Resistance android had Frankensteined together a YoRHa android son. Here weve got...
How are shitty old people going to get down all of those stairs to get anywhere? I bet your rules didnt think of that one, did they, Facade? No wonder you collapsed like a week after NieR 1 ended. Idiots. Thats actually the last bit of old Facade lore left in the game proper. We might encounter some more cargo cult remnants of the Masked People elsewhere in the game. But that too is for another day.
For now, lets get back on task. Which, if youll remember, at this point was pursuing a fleeing machine that 2B, 9S and the Pods had an unusually strong murder boner for no particular reason. Along the way, the pairs journey through the Desert Housing is much the same...



After taking out all the machines (or just running past since its not actually necessary to fight any of these enemies) we eventually once more come upon...

How the hell did these ruins even get like this? Its not like its the skeletal frame of a building. Its more like its a sinkhole with a bunch of other building ruins cobbled together to make a weird hole. Anyway...





Music: Birth of a Wish (This Cannot Continue)
Once again, we actually get a properly named title card for Adam since 9S can translate Angelic. 2Bs AI is much less prone to starting another damn robot war than Route A with 9S. So if we want, we can just hang out with the naked Adam as he strikes a sassy pose and fails to brush back his hair occasionally.
Unfortunately for him, were going to have to get antagonistic if we want to progress the game. Its possible to hack Adam with 9S but it doesnt result in anything special doing so and it is indeed a slower method of dealing with Adam the Machine Man.
Thats because unlike everything else thus far, which has leveled up accordingly to accommodate a second playthrough of the game with a character in at least their 30s, Adam still is born as a Level 1 boy and goes through the phases of slowly leveling mid-battle. However, he still tops out at like Level 8 at max while were nearly at Level 40.
As such, 1-2 melee strike or a single pod Program is enough to completely stomp each of Adams forms and immediately skip him ahead to the next phase of the battle.
Music: ENDS
As such, this fight takes all of about 30-45 seconds, not counting brief cutscenes between phases. Its literally a couple of full grown adults beating the living shit out of a baby. What did you expect? Thats a real one sided match up! Thats not something you schedule for a Pay-Per-View bout!

And everything else progresses as normal. I mean, normal for a full grown man crawling out of the chest of another man who was just given birth to by a cocoon of chanting robots forming a cybernetic womb in a bombed out building in a desert. Which sounds not particularly average when you write it all out like that, huh?

Music: Memories of Dust (Vocal)
Now its just a brief jog back to the surface to finally be responsible and tell the folks back at base that the desert is weird as hell and everyone should probably avoid it. Unless they want to grind levels, because Adam and Eves birthplace is the best place in the game for that besides one exploit.

And with that, weve concluded Chapter 3 of Route B and the bulk of our time mucking about in the sandy regions. Tune in next time when we leave the desert and go for a fun filled vacation as NieR: Automata continues!

Video: Episode 75 Highlight Reel

Desert Housing Concept Art Cant have a post-apocalyptic setting without seeing at least one derelict playground.