Part 94: Episode XCI: This Sure Is Sad
Episode XCI: This Sure Is Sad.jpg)
Yes, 9S. Get with the program. Youve talked with Pascal multiple times and hes basically the mayor of the




Music: Forest Kingdom (Dynamic)
Onward we go to the castle proper to go sort out the Forest King Immanuel, who has been trapped in a babys body for 128 years. You think they would have eventually sorted that out. But what do I know of machine growth cycles?
Before we rush into assault the castle for no particular reason, theres another electronically locked chest just around the corner to the left of the entrance. This contains a Rotten Info Sheet. Would you like to know more...?
I hope Leonard III wasnt into the same sort of extracurricular activities Leonard of Drakengard was into... I have no idea what Schwanstein Castle is meant to allude toward. There is a Neuschwanstein in German constructed in the late 1800s that is the inspiration for Disneylands Sleeping Beauty Castle. I went there on a tour once. Its a really cool looking castle.
In any case, dont ask me how a giant European style castle ended up in the forest outside post-apocalyptic Tokyo. Maybe it was a cultural exchange with medieval Drakengards universe getting the modern Japanese style Cathedral City in Notspain. I dunno... Magic did it. There. Done! Moving on...

Music: Alien Manifestation (Vocal)
The assault on Schwanstein Castle goes exactly the same as 2Bs run through the area. The Forest Kingdom machines are not happy to see us invading their home for no real reason and respond accordingly. 9S tries unsuccessfully to make his bad nickname catch on. A lot of machines die in the process. The usual. At least until we get towards the top flo
Music: ENDS




Music: Alien Manifestation (Vocal)
Well, at least they know they might have screwed up royally by sticking their kings memories into a robot baby and nobody has the ability to figure out how to fix it since theyre too busy caught in a cycle of thinking the baby is cute and rushing off to defend him from anyone. Dont worry, thatll get sorted out soon enough. In the meantime, weve got another locked chest in need of cracking by the Hackerman. This one is located on the top floor of the giant library on the eastern side of the castle.
Beastcurse is another weapon returning from the original NieR. In that game it was found in the bowels of the Junk Heap during the second half of the game. It wasnt a particularly noteworthy weapon there and it isnt much better here. Upgrades increase the wielders Endurance Up (read: better defense.) At maximum upgrade it gains Beasts Roar, which adds claw swipe effects copied straight from Drakengard 3 Zeros Intoner mode and a slightly wider hitbox for attacks. Sure, I guess...
Beastcurse posted:
Once upon a time, there were three princesses. The youngest
princess was widely regarded as the ugliest woman in all
the land, but her heart was gentle, honest, and pure.
Hoping to aid others in need, the youngest princess would travel
to the fields to offer succor to peasants-but they would reject
her kindness with cruel words.
The youngest princess knew her looks were driving people away,
yet she kept donating her life to the service of others, figuring
that the fault lied in her own lack of devotion. Day after day
this continued, for years without end.
The youngest princess died alone, curled in the back of a damp,
wet alley. She was so ugly that no one had the courage to give
her a proper burial. Instead, she rotted where she lay, turning
ever uglier until she faded into the earth.
That completes the Beast-trio of weapons. So the three princesses were stuffed and mounted, converted into a bio-computer overseeing military production of a hostile nation and died destitute in a back alley respectively. Pleasant tales, all. Fun for the whole family.
Before we continue onward to go have a rematch with A2 up in the kings chambers, lets take a detour to hit up Masamune the blacksmith. We havent seen him since our last run through the region.
Between updates Ive been steadily upgrading weapons. We now have both the money and materials necessary to top off a number of weapons to Level 4. Spear of the Usurper and Virtuous Grief have been my two primary arms for 9S and they can both get fully upgraded now for 10k G a pop. You can see Spear of the Usurpers requirements. Virtuous Grief requires 2 Memory Alloy, 5 Severed Cables, 3 Pristine Cables, 2 Machine Heads and a Moldavite slab. Hell if I remember where we got most of this junk. Its mostly from the assorted sidequests weve done.
Since weve already completed the largest money sink sidequest in the game, the Half-wit Inventor, almost all of our remaining funds will be going towards either upgrading weapons to their maximum level or purchasing materials to upgrade weapons to Level 4. Its not just for OCD completionism sake. There is an endgame sidequest that requires every single weapon be collected and upgraded fully. So thatll be fun for me to have to do all over again...
For now, we managed to get the following to Level 4:
- Virtuous Contract
- Cruel Oath
- Virtuous Grief
- Engine Blade
- Type-3 Lance
- Spear of the Usurper
- Iron Will
- Fang of the Twins
Theres a secondary reason we went and fully upgraded a few of our weapons. If Masamune is spoken to again after having upgraded any weapon to Level 4, then...

So Masamune hands over the Cruel Lament, the final weapon well be picking up in Route B, bringing our total weapon acquisition rate to 84%. Lets take a closer look...
Cruel Lament is straight up identical stat-wise to the Virtuous Grief combat bracer weapon. The only difference is that its final upgrade grants it the much shittier Dark Impulse, which grants increased attack when below 30% HP (Virtuous Grief grants increased attack power at full health.) Maybe its weapon story will make up for it being a lame palette swap.
Cruel Lament posted:
I take up the sword and battle for you.
My heart knows not fear,
instead burning with a love strong and pure.
I swing my sword for you,
spattered blood across my sleeve.
I smile as the chaos continues.
I brandish my sword for you.
Victims uncountable. Victims beyond measure.
Their dying wails become the song of my sleep.
I cry out "Give me your head!"
I capture you as you flee and take it.
I do all this for you. For you. For you.
...Who are you?
A companion set of decapitations with the twin samurai head weapons. Lighthearted stuff in the weapon history corner this go around.
But enough weapons chat. Lets get back on track by murdering our way through the last of the kings guard and storming his chambers to... yeah, no real justification for why were invading this castle in Route B either...
Music: ENDS

Everything goes down here just as it did in Route A. RIP King Immanuel, the 128 year old baby.

The Commander phones up on the communicator.


Music: Bipolar Nightmare (Calm)
Hey, remember how this fight lasted about 90 seconds the first time around? Well, now she can be hacked with 9S to make it last err... well, still about 90 seconds. Honestly, it probably takes longer to do the hacking mini-game than the hacking with 9S and 2Bs swords.
Theres no additional moves or techniques in A2s arsenal. In fact, we out level her more this time than we did in the initial fight, so if anything shes weaker this go around. Again, this is basically a glorified cutscene battle. One which A2 still bails on once she drops to 33% HP.

And with that, A2 bails out of Route B. Nope, were not gonna see her again before the second credits roll. Without spoiling too much, I can vouch that A2 might be a touch more relevant in Route C.

Music: Forest Kingdom (Quiet)


Music: ENDS
Whether in wind or rain... thunder or snow... or even amidst the rising flames of war...
They were always together. They never understood why. And yet, they spent their lives nestled together.
Forever. Forever and ever...

Video: Episode 91 Highlight Reel (You should probably watch this.)

Immanuel Concept Art Daww. He sure is cute... At least, before he got stabbed in the face after a 128 year horrific existence as an immobile baby robot.