Part 95: Episode XCII: Adam and Steve

Episode XCII: Adam and Steve
Our time in the Forest Zone is concluded. All that is left to do is to open that gateway shortcut back to the Machine Village. In order to trigger the next plot beat we need to go through the motions of speaking with everyone necessary to make the Grün fight appear. This begins with speaking to Pascal back in town. So lets get that done straight away.

Music: Pascal (Vocal)


Before we depart and return to the Resistance Camp, its worth mentioning that despite the quest to obtain Old World Data being completed, Pascal will still fork over cash for any new relevant intel weve acquired. Hes just a nice boy like that.
Anyway, back to the Resistance Camp we go. As soon as 9S sets foot out of the Machine Village, he gets a call from 21O. Whats up, Operator?

Music: Peaceful Sleep (Vocal)

9S, please dont call your Operator Mom beautiful. Thats just weird, you dweeb. But enough chatter. Lets go check in with Anemone. This time around we dont have any outstanding sidequests to get canceled out of nowhere. Yes, Im still annoyed by the Wandering Couple evaporating in Route A because I talked to Anemone before going to the Flooded City early.


OK. Onward we go to the Flooded City. Remember how last time around this event was kinda the point of no return in Route A? 2B technically was free to run around and explore for a while afterwards even if most sidequests were canceled by that point. In Route B as 9S, this is actually the point of no return. Here on out 9S gets fast tracked to Ending B. Remember, he was out of commission or indisposed for most of Chapters 8 and 9. He then only showed up when we were at the endgame boss rush for Chapter 10.
Without spoiling anything, Route B might diverge significantly content wise for the next couple of chapters. But first, we need to get through the Grün event again. And before we can do that, we need to get past a new scene as soon as we enter the flooded district...
Music: ENDS
Im glad the view of the machine space program has even crept into the cutscene zone.



Music: Rays of Light (Vocal)
Well there you go, thats why theyre Adam and Eve. Adam just picked the first biblical reference he could find in his quest to become the biggest human fanboy in all of machines and immediately fucked it up, then hand waved the error with more poorly understood human factoids.
As in Route A, we need to head to the western side of the Flooded City and smash all of the machines loitering by the missile platforms on the far side of the area. As soon as our androids are done mopping up the last of the machines, we get a call from the Commander.


Music: The Sound of the End (Instrumental)

2B is a little too excited to jump back into the pilot seat of a Flight Unit. Err... do you need a minute, here...?
So the first half of this event is 100% identical to how it was in Route A. Given all enemies in shmup segments level alongside us, I mean that quite literally. Same enemies. Same formations. They take the same amount of hits. 9S hacking is completely useless since everything dies in a single melee attack or a second or two of concentrated fire.

9S still needs to take on the Goliath Carrier. This ends being a way easier fight (granted it was pretty damn easy the first time) because unlike all of the trash mobs in this section, it does NOT level up alongside 2B and 9S. Its just buffed to Level 40 for Route B and thats it.
As such, it goes down extremely quickly. Its not even worth it to use 9Ss hacking as itd be slower to do the mini-game than just concentrate fire non-stop.

Of course, nothing can be done to prevent Blue Ridge II from getting Cyber-Jawsd by Grün. Some things are just immutable, even when you know theyre coming. Tune in next time for 9Ss version of events in which he blows up a tactical nuke in the Kaiju machines face without warning any of his allies. It was actually much stupider than just that!

Video: Episode 92 Highlight Reel

Missile Platform Concept Art The Resistance is really bad about hiding their military outposts and installations. Theyre lucky the machines have collectively been having existential crises of late and not really been on the ball.