Part 23: I had three friends

Welcome back. We're about to start one of my favorite sections of the game.

Music - Silence
So let's head in.

The long hallway is unchanged, no bears this time.

But the main room is different. It has a lot more detail now, like the room is coming into focus.

The bedroom is still empty.

Checking the calendar we find that today is Sunday.

This is the door that previously led us to the sketchy hall.

It's the same layout as the sketchy hall, but like the main room, it seems this area has come into focus as well.

What could be at the far end this time, now that we're in the real version of the hall?

Music - Grey Pencil
A map? We control the black and white cursor and select any of the red dots to visit that area.

Let's go see the Tall Mister first.

Music - Clockwork (Lost Grip of Time)
We're taken to a strange island of land with a frightening cabin. Who could be inside?

Why, it's Dedan of course. The Tall Mister.

If the music wasn't enough of a hint, Dedan states a bit more clearly what's wrong in his cabin. Time seems to be broken. How long has it been 9 o'clock for?

I'm not sure. We do know it's Sunday, but before we bring him proof I want to go to the other locations on the scribble map.

Music - The Walls Are Listening (Cliff Mix)
The bird?

Thousands of birds fly away as we approach the cliff's edge.

This is all Japhet has to say to us for now.

Music - Endless Hallway (Stuck)
Let's go visit the Big Mister.

Well, now we've got two Misters to help. Let's help the Tall Mister now, since he asked first.

Music - Silence
He wants to know the date, and there's exactly one place we've seen the date several times now.

Now that we've been asked to collect the calendar, we can take it straight from the wall.

Let's see if this page helps Dedan.

Music - Clockwork (Lost Grip of Time)

The Wednesday is an odd item. It's another special day, but the description reads "Equipment that protects you from harmful ground". We haven't come across harmful ground before in this game.
But wait, a book? If we go into the inventory and examine the book with no title, this is what we find:

This seems familiar, doesn't it? We've seen this book before, and because we've seen it before, it should be clear who needs to end up with it by the end of the story.

Let's go deliver the book to the person who wants it the most.

Music - The Walls Are Listening (Cliff Mix)

Of course we want to help Enoch! He promised us cakes, and I love cakes.

(If this gif does not work for you, please right click > open in new tab to view it.)

As he flies away, he drops a gift for us. A Saturday increases the user's agility. Epsilon or Omega are good candidates for this as they're a bit slow.

Music - Clockwork (Lost Grip of Time)
All our friends are here.

We've found the final piece of Special day equipment. The Secret day prevents poison, mute, and blindness. I'm fairly sure you only get it when you've collected all the other Special days.
Let's speak to our friends one last time before we go.

The Big Mister.

The Bird.

And the Tall Mister. Farewell friends. You will stay dear to my heart.

Well, we've been sent out to play. But where else can we go?

Music - Silence
There's one last red dot on the map we've yet to visit.

We appear back in the starting room, with nothing remaining of our three friends but our memories and the blood stains on our hands.
I hope you'll join me next time.